ace warm marriage

Chapter 627 The Parting Kiss

Chapter 627 The Parting Kiss
According to what his uncle told him before, Sheng Fenghua should wait for those people to leave before completing the task.Even if you want to find him, it should be a day or two later.

But now Sheng Fenghua came to look for him ahead of time, could something have happened.

Thinking of this, Si Zhanbei couldn't help becoming worried.

"Zhan Bei, I'm leaving for a while." Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei and said with a look of reluctance.

"What?" Si Zhanbei was startled, and asked, "Where are you going, daughter-in-law? Is there a new mission?"

"That's it!"

"What task?" Si Zhanbei asked eagerly, and only after he finished asking did he realize that he shouldn't have asked too much.However, since he asked, he did not agree to take it back, but looked at Sheng Fenghua with burning eyes.

"It will take about two months to go to country M and treat Mrs. Dai Lisi's illness."

"Go to country M?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua in surprise, she was actually going to country M.Didn't she know that it was the headquarters of the dark night?
If she went alone like this, what if she met someone there, maybe someone from the Dark Night Organization knew her identity, what would be bad for her?
"Yes!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, seeing Si Zhanbei's reluctance in his eyes, and a touch of sadness in his heart.

"Have you confirmed it?" Si Zhanbei asked again. He wanted to say a lot, but he couldn't say it.

"It's decided, I will go with them in the afternoon. Before I leave, I want to see you and talk to you." Sheng Fenghua smiled while holding back the reluctance in his heart.

Si Zhanbei knew that since the above had already been decided, it was useless to say anything now, so he could only tell her: "Daughter-in-law, you must be more careful when you are outside alone. If there is no need to approach that place, understand ?"

"Don't worry, I know the seriousness, and I know where my current strength is, otherwise I would easily provoke them." Sheng Fenghua knew what Si Zhanbei was worried about, so he reassured him cautiously.

"Well, remember to call me if you need anything."

"it is good!"

"You are outside, take good care of yourself!"

"it is good!"

"Remember to eat on time, go to bed early and get up early, and don't stay up late!"

"it is good!"

"Remember to miss me, and I will miss you too!"

"it is good!"

Seeing that time was running out, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help but put his feet up again after saying the last word "good", and then put his lips on Si Zhanbei's mouth that seemed to have a thousand words.

His lips warmed up, and all the words that Si Zhanbei hadn't finished were blocked between his lips, and then he and Sheng Fenghua threw themselves into this parting kiss.

The two kissed inseparably, until they knocked lightly on the door of the room a few times before they parted.Sheng Fenghua knew that the person who sent her here was reminding her that time was running out.

Sheng Fenghua let go of Si Zhanbei, raised his head slightly, forced back the tears in his eyes, and said, "Honey, I'm leaving!"

"Daughter-in-law!" Si Zhanbei called out, then hugged her tightly in his arms again, and said, "Safe trip!"

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua responded, withdrew from Si Zhanbei's embrace, then turned around and strode away.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua had really left, Si Zhanbei suddenly shouted again: "Daughter-in-law!"

Sheng Fenghua stopped, turned around, and looked back at him with wet eyes, but a smile on his face.

"be careful!"

"Okay! Take care!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, then took another step and left without looking back.

"Take care!" Si Zhanbei watched Sheng Fenghua leave, looked at her back, his eyes slightly darkened.

 Fourteen more.

(End of this chapter)

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