ace warm marriage

Chapter 634 Tactical Communication

Chapter 634 Tactical Communication
Si Zhanbei stood in the instructor's office, listening to what he said to himself, his brain couldn't react.

What's happening here?Did he hear correctly just now?

The trainer actually asked him to lead the team to country M?
"Instructor, I didn't hear what you just said clearly, can you say it again?" Si Zhanbei asked others to repeat the task for the first time, and even he himself did not expect that such a day would happen to him.

"What's the matter with you?" The trainer looked at Si Zhanbei with concern on his face.Why does he feel that Si Zhanbei's mood is wrong since he finished speaking?
"No, no, it's nothing, I'm happy." Si Zhanbei shook his head, with a rare smile on his face.

In country M, his young wife is in country M at this time.Could he see her soon?He originally thought that it would take at least two months before they could meet each other, but he didn't expect this opportunity to come suddenly, which caught him off guard.

"Happy? This is to perform a mission, to win glory for the country, to win honor. Don't patronize being happy and forget about the business."

"Don't worry, the instructor, I promise to complete the task." The smile on Si Zhanbei's face disappeared, and he gave a military salute solemnly.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei was about to leave, the instructor immediately stopped him and said, "Wait!"

"Instructor, what instructions do you have?" Si Zhanbei turned around and looked at the instructor.Although he didn't repeat the content of the mission, what he just said made Si Zhanbei confirm that he had heard correctly, that he was really going to country M, and that he could see his little girl very soon. wife.

For this reason, Si Zhanbei was really happy, and wanted to fly with joy in his heart.

"I'll repeat the task again, you have to memorize it. Don't be distracted like you were just now." The instructor glanced at Si Zhanbei, afraid that he really didn't hear clearly just now.


Si Zhanbei responded, and then listened to the instructor repeat the task.

"Do you remember?" the trainer asked again to confirm again.

"Remember!" Si Zhanbei felt a little amused, the trainer actually got a little nervous because of what he just did.

"Go!" The trainer waved his hand, indicating that Si Zhanbei could leave.

"Yes!" Si Zhanbei gave another military salute before striding away.

After leaving the instructor's office, Si Zhanbei took out his phone and wanted to tell Sheng Fenghua the news as soon as possible.

Holding the phone, he had already dialed the number, but finally hung up.

Si Zhanbei thought about it, and decided to forget it. He would surprise Sheng Fenghua when he arrived in Country M.He put the phone away and went back to class.

Five days later, Si Zhanbei officially led the former M country to conduct tactical exchanges.The most important part of this exchange is the martial arts competition. Soldiers from various countries conduct all-around martial arts competitions.

There were ten people who went this time, including the trainers, a total of 11 people.Lin Hua, who had participated in the training camp with Sheng Fenghua before, was also an exception. She was the only female soldier among the ten team members.

The total time for this exchange is one week, plus the back and forth time, exactly ten days.

When the plane of Si Zhanbei and his party landed in Huashi, the capital of country M, Colonel Jack, who was in charge of the exchange, warmly received them.

After settling down, Si Zhanbei couldn't wait to call Sheng Fenghua.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua was not in the castle, but was taken by Shana to go shopping outside.In fact, Sheng Fenghua wanted to go shopping by herself, but Mrs. Dai Lisi felt that Sheng Fenghua came to country M for the first time and was unfamiliar with the place, so she specially asked Shana to accompany her.

 One more.Thanks for holding me tight? , 3?And a reward for flying freely, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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