ace warm marriage

Chapter 643 Sister-in-law admires

Chapter 643 Sister-in-law admires
So, after being sad for a while, she looked up at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Fenghua, you must help me defeat those other women!"

"Don't worry, I will do my best." Sheng Fenghua reached out and patted Lin Hua's shoulder, then stood up and followed Si Zhanbei to leave.

When the husband and wife left, Lin Hua burst into tears again.

"Is the candidate ready?" Walking into the room, Si Zhanbei looked at the trainer and asked directly.Things have to be confirmed as soon as possible, and I have to watch other countries' competitions in a while.

"It's chosen, he, Yang Zhongbao." Without waiting for the instructor to answer, the fingers of several other people pointed at Yang Zhongbao at the same time.

"Let's go!" Sheng Fenghua took a look at Yang Zhongbao and left the room first.

Yang Zhongbao looked at Sheng Fenghua who had already gone out, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and keep up.

Outside, Sheng Fenghua found a relatively open place and stopped, then looked at Yang Zhongbao who came out later.

"Sister-in-law, if my attack doesn't matter for a while, you can take it easy." Yang Zhongbao gave Sheng Fenghua a vaccination in advance.However, since he said this to Sheng Fenghua, he also said it to Si Zhanbei.

He was really worried that if Sheng Fenghua was hurt, Si Zhanbei would make trouble for him.

Sheng Fenghua smiled, did not speak, but put on a posture, waiting for Yang Zhongbao to make a move.Originally, Yang Zhongbao wanted Sheng Fenghua to make the first move, but seeing her like this, he had no choice but to make the first move.

Of course, Yang Zhongbao didn't show his real kung fu at first, and he still wanted to test Sheng Fenghua.

However, Sheng Fenghua was different from what Yang Zhongbao thought, she showed her true skills.She felt that since she wanted to compete, she had to be serious and show her real skills, otherwise those people would look down on her.

Moreover, judging from the attitude of those few people towards Lin Hua's illness, it has already explained the problem, they look down on women.

Therefore, Sheng Fenghua intends to teach them well that women are not weak, and women are no worse than men.

It is said that once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one.Originally, Yang Zhongbao's attitude towards the test was a bit perfunctory, but when he saw Sheng Fenghua make a move, he instantly had the will to fight.He has already seen that Sheng Fenghua's skills are very good, and he may be even better than Lin Hua.

For this reason, he changed his previous decision and used his real skills to fight Sheng Feng.

The other team members also left the room and stood in the corridor to watch when the two played against each other.When they saw that Sheng Fenghua was not an embroidered pillow, but a real talent, their attitudes towards her changed instantly.

As for the trainer, his eyes were also full of joy.I thought I just found a replacement, but I didn't expect to pick up a treasure.She had no doubt that if Sheng Fenghua had been in the country before, then the quota for female soldiers would have been hers.

Sheng Fenghua and Yang Zhongbao didn't fight each other for a long time, so soon it was time for the first match, and the Huaxia team had to enter the arena. Therefore, when the two fought for about 10 minutes, the trainer called a stop .

"Stop!" The instructor shouted, and the two stopped.

"Sister-in-law, I admire it!" Yang Zhongbao only had two words for Sheng Fenghua, 'convinced'.At this time, in his eyes, there was no longer the previous contempt, but more respect.

"You're not bad either!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, and then walked to Si Zhanbei's side.

"You're not injured, are you?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and sized her up and down.

"Didn't you just watch?" Sheng Fenghua raised his eyebrows, she and Yang Zhongbao just hit it off.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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