ace warm marriage

Chapter 645 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 645 Victory in the First Battle
This time, Huaxia's opponent was country Y. The hostile look before came from their female soldier, who was not very attractive and could be drowned instantly when thrown into the crowd.

And her hostility was actually not because she and Sheng Fenghua were rivals, but because she felt that Sheng Fenghua was prettier than her, and she was just jealous.

This may be the common problem of all ugly women, they can't see others being more beautiful than themselves.

When Sheng Fenghua failed to respond to the female soldier's hostility, she became more and more annoyed.She kept looking at Sheng Fenghua with a knife-like gaze.I thought to myself, when I do it later, I must give Sheng Fenghua a good look.

As for who looks good to whom, I don't know.

At 08:30, the competition officially started.The competition started with the male soldiers, and Yang Zhongbao was the first to play.His opponent was a taller male soldier, with muscles all over his body, he looked like a macho.

On the other hand, Yang Zhongbao is much smaller.Therefore, as soon as the two of them appeared on the stage, the difference in this point made everyone sweat for Yang Zhongbao.

Not to mention others, even Sheng Fenghua was a little worried.After all, this height advantage can take a lot of advantage.Even if the opponent's kung fu is not as good as Yang Zhongbao's, he can make up for it in terms of height and physical strength.

On the other hand, Yang Zhongbao was quite calm. Facing the opponent who was almost a head taller than him, he was not timid to fight, but instead ignited a strong fighting spirit.

He secretly swore in his heart that he was the first to fight, so he must be able to give a good start, and he must defeat the opponent.

And Yang Zhongbao's opponent, the tall man from country Y, couldn't help laughing when he saw Yang Zhongbao who had just reached his shoulders, and said, "You still want to compete with me with your body. It's better to admit defeat early, I can let you go."

"Are you talking about yourself?" Yang Zhongbao retorted lightly, then looked at the other party coldly, thinking about how to win for a while.

In terms of height, he has no advantage, it seems that he can only attack his hem.

Thinking this way, when the referee announced that the competition between the two had officially started, Yang Zhongbao ignored everything else and focused on attacking the opponent's bottom.

The man from country Y was tall and tall, but his foot was a little unstable. Under Yang Zhongbao's repeated attacks, he soon became powerless.

For this reason, the man was very annoyed, took an opportunity, grabbed Yang Zhongbao's arm, and then raised it above his head, trying to throw him to the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone was pinched by Yang Zhongbao.Especially Si Zhanbei and his comrades-in-arms were extremely worried.

Fortunately, Yang Zhongbao didn't panic. When he was lifted up by his opponent, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he remembered that when he fought with Sheng Fenghua yesterday, Sheng Fenghua used a similar move.

At first, he also wanted to lift Sheng Fenghua up and throw her, but later Sheng Fenghua easily dispelled it, and almost threw him instead.

Thinking of this, Yang Zhongbao imitated Sheng Fenghua's appearance yesterday, bent his waist, did a somersault, stepped on the man's shoulders with both legs, and did a backflip, fell backwards, and grabbed the man's ankle , pull hard.

His movements were very fast. Except for Si Zhanbei and the others who had watched the competition between Sheng Fenghua and Yang Zhongbao yesterday, before the others could react, they saw the man who was supposed to throw Yang Zhongbao to the ground lying on the ground, and Yang Zhongbao It was pressing on him.

Suppressing the man, Yang Zhongbao secretly thought it was dangerous.If it wasn't for the competition with Sheng Fenghua yesterday, he would have died today.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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