Chapter 648
However, his body is too big, even if he learned from Si Zhanbei, he only learned two levels, and he could not achieve any effect at all. Instead, Si Zhanbei saw his plan, so suddenly his whole body jumped up, a chain The leg kicked towards the Maxson.

Michelson was kicked by Si Zhanbei so that he could not stand still and sat down on the ground.

In order to prevent the opponent from resisting, Si Zhanbei struck while the iron was hot, stepped forward again and gave Maxon a few kicks, causing him to fall completely to the ground and unable to get up.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei had won, Sheng Fenghua stood up and gave her a thumbs up.

Si Zhanbei smiled back at her, then walked off the ring and returned to the position of the Huaxia delegation.

"Prepare for the next group!" At this time, the referee spoke, and said: "The next group is Y country Kalisa vs. Huaxia Shengfenghua."

Hearing his name being announced, Sheng Fenghua stood up, ready to go on stage.

At this moment, Si Zhanbei suddenly grabbed his little wife's hand and said, "Daughter-in-law, be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, then took his hand out of Si Zhanbei's hand and walked towards the stage.

That Carissa had long wanted to compete with Sheng Fenghua, so when she heard her name, she immediately ran to the stage and waited for Sheng Fenghua.

When Sheng Fenghua stepped onto the ring, Carissa suddenly said to her: "I want to beat you!"

Sheng Fenghua smiled, glanced at Carissa, and said nothing.When she thinks she can move her fist, it's best not to use her mouth.A word is not as real as a fist.

She will let Carissa know who is the final winner.

"Fenghua, come on!" Lin Hua in the audience looked at Sheng Fenghua standing on the stage, and suddenly shouted loudly.She couldn't make it to the stage, and she felt very regretful, but she hoped that Sheng Fenghua could beat down her opponent who was originally hers.

Sheng Fenghua turned his head and smiled at Lin Hua.

"The competition begins!" The referee saw that the two were getting ready, and shouted to start.

Upstairs, Shana saw Sheng Fenghua enter the stage, a little excited, and said to Mrs. Dai Lisi: "Ma'am, Miss Sheng has entered the stage, can she win?"

"You'll know after reading it." Mrs. Dai Lisi said with a faint smile.Now, no one knows who will lose and who will win.

"Yeah!" Shana nodded, and then said, "I think Miss Sheng can win."


"Because her aura looks different." Although Shana didn't quite understand, she could also see the difference between Sheng Fenghua and Karissa.

"That's right, Shana can actually see that Miss Sheng's aura is different." After Madam Dai Lisi praised Shana, she stopped talking and looked at it seriously.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua and Carissa had already fought against each other.In order to defeat Sheng Fenghua, Carissa made a quick attack every time she took a shot, and she kept throwing her fists at Sheng Fenghua's body.

However, Sheng Fenghua would not stand up and be beaten, he avoided it lightly, and at the same time counterattacked unexpectedly.Sheng Fenghua combined the fists and kicks she learned in the military high school with the killing techniques she had learned before, and it always made Nakalisa hard to guard against.

Five minutes later, Carissa did not defeat Sheng Fenghua, which made her very annoyed, and stared at Sheng Fenghua fiercely.

Facing Kalisha's sharp eyes, Sheng Fenghua slightly hooked his lips, and said, "Look at me!"

After the sound fell, her figure flashed, and she quickly turned to Karissa's side, kicking her waist directly.

Carissa felt the danger and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. Sheng Fenghua's foot kicked her waist heavily, sending her flying.

 seven more.

(End of this chapter)

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