ace warm marriage

Chapter 656 One point of knowledge

Chapter 656

"I'll wait for you in the grove over there!" Sheng Fenghua pointed to the grove not far away. There were fewer people going there, so it was convenient for them to do business.

"it is good!"

Si Zhanbei glanced at the grove and nodded.

"Zhan Bei, did you see that? The man in the gray plaid coat." Sheng Fenghua pointed the target at Si Zhanbei, then left his hiding place and headed for the grove.

Si Zhanbei went in another direction, toward that goal.

At this time, the killer in the dark night was still looking for Sheng Fenghua among the crowd.After An Ye received the task this morning, people began to keep an eye on Sheng Fenghua and his party.

So, after the group left their place in the afternoon, the person staring at them immediately reported her whereabouts to the above.

For this reason, the killer in the dark night chased after her, and began to look for her figure according to the photo information of Sheng Fenghua provided by An De.

Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua was vigilant and knew the other party, so he was able to find out in advance and hide it.

Otherwise, she might have been assassinated by the killer of the night at this time.

Si Zhanbei quickly arrived in front of the killer, then pretended to be careless, bumped into him lightly, and quickly found out where the gun was hidden on his body.

So, he quickly took out the opponent's gun, and then pointed at the opponent's waist and said, "Come with me!"

The Night Killer, who was looking for someone, never thought that he would capsize in the gutter, and would be snatched by Si Zhanbei and threatened. His face was so ugly that he didn't want to listen to him at all.

So, he turned his head to look at Si Zhanbei, and made a sudden move, wanting to grab the gun back.

As if knowing his plan, Si Zhanbei clasped his hand while pushing a pistol to his waist, saying, "Be wiser! Go forward."

The killer's eyes sank, knowing that Si Zhanbei was not joking, he could only suppress the idea of ​​snatching the gun back, and was forced to walk in the direction Si Zhanbei pointed.

Si Zhanbei quickly brought the killer to the grove. When he saw Sheng Fenghua waiting there, he didn't understand anything.

He is exposed!

It's just that the killer didn't understand why he was exposed?
Could it be that there were traitors in the organization who had reported to Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei in advance?Or did the employer leak the news?
When the killer was thinking wildly, Sheng Fenghua said lightly: "Feng Yu, the No. 30 killer in the dark night!"

Sheng Fenghua reported the killer's identity as soon as he opened his mouth, which surprised him. He looked at her in horror and asked, "What kind of person are you?"

Not to mention the outsiders, even the people inside the dark night, only a few people knew his identity.But Sheng Fenghua knew it, and even knew his ranking in the organization.

"Who am I, you don't need to know. I want to know, who is buying my life?" Sheng Fenghua glanced at the wind and rain lightly, and asked.

In her previous life, she was considered a veteran of the organization, plus she knew medical skills and was a full-time doctor in the organization. As long as she had treated injuries or illnesses, she knew everyone.

And this Feng Yu had been shot, so she knew him.Fortunately, the other party sent someone she knew, otherwise today might be a bad day.

Feng Yu sneered, glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Since you know my identity, you should know the rules of the dark night, do you think I will tell you?"

"Really?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, then suddenly walked up to Fengyu and stabbed him with a needle.

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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