ace warm marriage

Chapter 658 Encountered Shooting

Chapter 658 Encountered Shooting
Sheng Fenghua glanced at them and said, "Of course I'm doing something that can't be said."

What she said made everyone stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud, with a look of understanding on their faces.

Si Zhanbei frowned, but didn't explain much.

He didn't want others to know about the killer, for fear of causing everyone to panic.

However, everyone misunderstood and thought that the two were making out, so they were embarrassed to ask further.

This incident just passed, and everyone had a great time at Huxin Island.But at this time, the wind and rain were discovered by the killer who came behind.

The killer was a newcomer named Fengzi, whom Sheng Fenghua didn't know.

Fengzi came to Kabei Lake and called Yuyu, wanting to ask him if the task was completed.No, but no one answered his phone.

This made Feng Zi sensitively aware that something might have happened to the wind and rain.For this reason, after he came to Lake Kabe, he began to look for the wind and rain.I searched around, but found no one, so I called him again.

Still no one answered the phone, Fengzi had no choice but to activate the tracking device, and successfully found Fengyu's body.

When he saw that Feng Yu was dead, he knew that the mission was likely to be discovered by the target.So, he called to report to the organization.

The people in the upper class of the dark night, when they heard that someone was in the dark night's territory and killed their people, their faces became ugly.

So, he immediately ordered that the opponent must be found and killed.

For this reason, An Ye dispatched five or six killers, who came from Lake Kabe.

The danger was approaching, but Sheng Fenghua didn't know it at all.Seeing that half of the time had passed, it was already mid-afternoon, and she planned to take everyone back to the place where they lived.

In this regard, everyone has no objection. After playing all day today, they are indeed a little tired, and there will be a competition the next day, so they have to go back to rest and recharge their batteries.

A group of people returned from the island in the middle of the lake by boat, and soon arrived at the lake.We got off the boat and headed towards the bus platform together.

While walking, Sheng Fenghua suddenly said to everyone: "Get down!"

The sound fell, and the sound of bullets whistling past their ears, the bullets grazed their bodies and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, all the people present were well-trained people. As soon as Sheng Fenghua yelled, they all fell down, and quickly hid on the ground.

At the same time, Si Zhanbei took out the silencer gun that Yufeng had used before, and then fought back.

With the sound of gunfire, Cabe Lake suddenly became chaotic.The tourists panicked and fled in all directions.In this way, it was convenient for Sheng Fenghua and his party. They used the fleeing tourists to avoid the shooting of the killers.

Although Huashi is the headquarters of Anye, they didn't dare to kill.So, as soon as the people got confused, they stopped shooting.

For this reason, Sheng Fenghua and his party quickly got out of danger, got into the car, and went to their place of residence.

Moreover, the gunshots at Kabe Lake quickly attracted the attention of the police.As soon as the police came out, the killers had no choice but to retreat first.

They failed to complete the task, but exposed themselves, and the killers were severely scolded when they went back.At this time, the police also found out that the person who caused the panic was from the Dark Night Organization, and immediately sent people to negotiate and warn.

As a result, this mission can only be temporarily interrupted.

Besides, when Sheng Fenghua and his party returned to their place of residence, everyone's expressions were a little solemn.It can be seen that this time the matter is specially directed at them.

 Three shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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