ace warm marriage

Chapter 684 I fell down

Chapter 684 I fell down
He believed that if he hit her, she would just go straight to him.

Therefore, he could only resist the urge to hit someone, and glared at Wen Jianing.

Seeing Si Zhanbei glaring at him, Wen Jianing laughed.Even though Si Zhanbei was angry, she was very happy. This was the first time Si Zhanbei looked at her so directly.At this moment, he had no one else in his eyes except himself.

For this, she was very happy.

Seeing the smile on Wen Jianing's face, Si Zhanbei was a little puzzled.I thought to myself, maybe this woman has something wrong with her brain, she is still laughing even after she said that to him.

Shaking his head, Si Zhanbei decided to ignore her.

"Don't follow me." Si Zhanbei warned coldly, and strode away.

Wen Jianing saw that Si Zhanbei was leaving again, and also followed with strides.However, this time, Si Zhanbei's strides were a little too big, and he wanted to avoid Wen Jianing, so he deliberately increased his strides.

Seeing Si Zhanbei go farther and farther, Wen Jianing became anxious, and trotted in order to catch up with him.But she forgot that she was wearing high heels, so she fell down after a few steps.

"Ouch!" Wen Jianing yelled, then looked at Si Zhanbei in front of him, thinking he would stop.But he didn't want to, Si Zhanbei didn't even turn his head, and still strode forward.

"Si Zhanbei, I fell!" Wen Jianing thought that Si Zhanbei didn't hear, so he yelled.

But Si Zhanbei still turned a deaf ear and didn't look back.

Seeing Si Zhanbei walking farther and farther, Wen Jianing's face darkened, and he sat on the ground for a long time without getting up.

Although he knew that Si Zhanbei didn't have himself in his heart, he never thought that he would be so cruel.She fell down, and he didn't even look back.

"Si Zhanbei, just wait for me. One day, you will come to beg me." Wen Jianing gritted his teeth, thinking bitterly.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, a voice rang in Wen Jianing's ear, bringing her back to her senses, then put away the sinister look on her face, and looked up at the other party.

It turned out that it was a passing soldier.

"I sprained my ankle." Wen Jianing said with a painful face, as if he was about to cry.

"Which foot, let me take a look for you." Seeing Wen Jianing like this, the man immediately squatted down in front of her, and then looked at her feet.

"Thank you!" Wen Jianing thanked, and then said to the man, "It doesn't hurt so much, can I trouble you to help me up?"

"Of course!" The man stretched out his hand to help Wen Jianing up, and then asked, "Where does Miss live, do you need me to take you back?"

"No, thank you! I can go back by myself." Wen Jianing said as he was about to leave by himself.But when she walked, she was limping, as if she would fall down at any time.

The man was very worried, so he caught up with her a few steps, and said, "Miss, let me help you go back."

"Thank you!" Wen Jianing thanked again, and then let the man help him out of the school gate, and headed to the car parked beside him.

When he got to his car, Wen Jianing thanked the man again, and then got into the car.

The man watched Wen Jianing drive away, thinking that he forgot to ask the other person's name, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Wen Jianing returned home and entered the room full of anger.

When Grandma Wen saw her granddaughter coming back, she was about to ask her where she had gone and why she came back at this time.I don't want to, before I reached the door, there was a loud bang, which reached my ears.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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