Chapter 686
Therefore, from now on, she can't expect too much from these people, just do her own job well.

As for Ji Jinglin kidnapping her, she will remember it.When I have the strength, I will seek justice.

After building himself in this way, Sheng Fenghua gradually dissipated the grievances in his heart, closed his eyes and prepared to rest.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Si Zhanbei calling.

Seeing the caller ID, Sheng Fenghua immediately understood that he must be worried, that's why he called, and he connected quickly.

"Zhan Bei, I'm fine, you don't have to worry." The first sentence he spoke, Sheng Fenghua told Si Zhanbei that he was fine.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, I wasn't by your side when your accident happened." Si Zhanbei was full of guilt, he felt that he hadn't protected Sheng Fenghua well.

"Zhan Bei, don't blame yourself, this is not your problem." Hearing Si Zhanbei's self-blaming words, Sheng Fenghua also felt very uncomfortable.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm not by your side, you have to protect yourself and take care of yourself." Si Zhanbei told Sheng Fenghua that he was too far away.Once something happened to Sheng Fenghua, he would be beyond his reach.

Therefore, he can only hope that Sheng Fenghua can protect himself well.He didn't want anything to happen to Sheng Fenghua.

"Zhan Bei, don't worry, I will protect myself. Don't worry, I will go back soon after Mrs. Dai Lisi's illness is cured."

Sheng Fenghua has already decided that as soon as Mrs. Dai Lisi's illness is cured, she will go back to China immediately.Although, she actually really wanted revenge and wanted to destroy the Dark Night Organization, but now she is not strong enough, and the time is not yet, so she can only bear it for the time being.

However, Sheng Fenghua believed that he could bear it, but An Ye probably couldn't bear it anymore.In order for Jinglin Pharmaceutical to regain its glory, they will definitely come to her again.

Therefore, these days, she has to be extremely careful, and she must never give the other party another chance, let alone kidnapping.

After hanging up Si Zhanbei's call, Sheng Fenghua closed his eyes again and fell asleep.When I woke up, it was already dinner time.

After Sheng Fenghua had dinner, he walked around the garden of the castle as usual, and then went back to his room.Back in the room, she turned on the computer again and logged into a website.

It was a hacker website, which gathered master hackers from all over the world.In this website, as long as you can afford the money, you can get any secrets you want.

Sheng Fenghua entered the website, directly found a hacker codenamed K, and sent him his needs.

In the previous life, Sheng Fenghua also approached K several times, so he was an acquaintance.Therefore, after seeing the demand thrown by Sheng Fenghua, K immediately agreed, without even saying how much it was.

It was Sheng Fenghua himself who transferred some money to K according to the market conditions.

Seeing the account number to which the money was transferred, K was taken aback, and asked, "How did you change the account number?"

"The previous account is no longer needed." Sheng Fenghua explained, and K didn't ask any more questions, and said, "If it's all right, I'll send you an email."


Sheng Fenghua quit the website and was about to turn off the computer when an email popped up.Sheng Fenghua glanced at the email address, it was Fengmian's.So, with a smile on his face, he clicked away.

After she finished reading the email, the joy on her face faded little by little, and slowly sank.

Originally, she planned to take a step back for a while, but she didn't expect that the people in An Ye would actually plan to attack her.From this point of view, she didn't need to retreat.

 Six more.

(End of this chapter)

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