ace warm marriage

Chapter 702 Drunk Stalking

Chapter 702 Drunk Stalking
When Sheng Fenghua heard the leader calling his name, his face turned red, and he became a little shy.Her shy appearance stunned the leader for a moment.

But Feng Mian saw that the leader was looking straight at Sheng Fenghua, and calmly blocked him, saying: "My girlfriend has never seen anything in the world, so the leader laughed."

"Where, where!" The leader was a little embarrassed, looked away, looked at Fengmian, and said, "Fenghua is a good name."

"Thank you, leader!" Feng Mian thanked, watched the leader go to the main seat and sat down.

After the leader left, Sheng Fenghua and Fengmian exchanged glances, and then walked to the stage of the auditorium together.

"Today, I am here to entertain everyone, not only to introduce my girlfriend Fenghua to everyone, but also to thank you for your help and care for me, thank the leader for cultivating me, thank..."

Feng Mian said a lot of words of thanks before she stepped off the stage, and together with Sheng Fenghua, toasted everyone.

The two of them took turns toasting at each table, each toasting with a glass, and soon got drunk.Therefore, Fengmian made a confession to everyone, and took Sheng Fenghua to the lounge beside him.

Everyone in the dark night drank to their heart's content, but they didn't care that much.Watching the two of them enter the lounge, some of them even said flirty words and jokes that were not suitable for children.

On the contrary, Ji Jinglin watched the two enter the lounge and followed them quietly.For some reason, he felt that today's Fengmian was a little different from the day when he went to the pharmaceutical factory.

That day in Fengmian, he had an unwavering love for the dead Sheng Fenghua.In just a few days, he actually forgot about Sheng Fenghua, and found a girlfriend, and the two of them looked affectionate, which made him a little incomprehensible.

It's not that he doesn't believe in love at first sight, he just doesn't believe that Feng Mian will forget Sheng Fenghua so quickly and fall into the arms of other women so quickly.

So, he wanted to take a look and ask him if the love he showed for Sheng Fenghua before was fake?
However, when Ji Jinglin entered the lounge, he didn't see Fengmian and Sheng Fenghua, and felt a little uneasy.

Aren't they drunk?Why not in the lounge.

Where have they gone?
Ji Jinglin looked at the lounge, and his eyes fell on the closed door.It was a room with a bed in it for a nap.

Did they go into the room?

While thinking, Ji Jinglin walked to the door and put his ear on the door.Just as he was about to hear if there was anyone inside, the door was suddenly opened.A strong force pulled him directly into the room.

Ji Jinglin was taken aback, and instinctively wanted to resist.At this time, a pistol was pressed against the back of his head, making him afraid to act rashly.

Ji Jinglin slowly raised his head, and when he saw that the person holding him was Feng Mian, he relaxed slightly, and said, "Feng Mian, what are you doing?"

"Old Ji, I was just about to ask what are you doing? Okay, why are you following us in a sneaky way?"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Ji Jinglin was a little embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping, and Feng Mian would accuse him face-to-face.

"Is it a misunderstanding? I don't think so?" Sheng Fenghua said in a cold voice, pressing the gun on Ji Jinglin's head forcefully.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's voice, Ji Jinglin was startled, and regardless of the gun on his head, he suddenly turned his head to look at Sheng Fenghua.

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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