ace warm marriage

Chapter 708 near the water tower

Chapter 708 near the water tower
But, fortunately, there is another Fengmian over there.Although he was very unhappy about Fengmian liking Sheng Fenghua, but he had to say that he felt relieved with him there.

At least, Sheng Fenghua has something to do, Fengmian will not stand by and watch.Even if Feng Mian was thinking about his little wife all the time, he could bear it for the time being.

Thinking about it this way, Si Zhanbei didn't care much about the film anymore.

He didn't know why Sheng Fenghua and Fengmian hugged each other, but he believed that Sheng Fenghua, like him, only had each other in his heart.

After Si Zhanbei talked with Sheng Fenghua on the phone, his mood improved a lot.After hanging up the phone, he recalled the photo and pressed the delete key.

Since he believed in Sheng Fenghua, it should be assumed that this photo never existed.

After dinner, Si Zhanbei called the person who secretly protected Sheng Fenghua and asked him about Sheng Fenghua's situation.It wasn't until he confirmed that Sheng Fenghua was really fine that he was completely relieved.Then he confessed: "Help me keep an eye on that man, and try not to let him be with my wife in the future."


The other party agreed and hung up the phone.

When Sheng Fenghua returned to the castle, it was already getting dark.When Shana saw her coming back, she immediately went to get the food.

But Sheng Fenghua refused with a smile, and said, "Thank you Shana, but I have already eaten."

"You're welcome, then I'll go and talk to them and tell them that the food doesn't need to be hot."

"Thank you, sorry to bother you."

After Shana left, Sheng Fenghua took a shower, and then went straight to bed to rest.I didn't sleep all night last night, and today I only rested for two hours. I stayed in the space for such a long time. Although there is water in the space to relieve fatigue, I still don't have enough sleep.

So, she lay down on the bed and soon fell asleep.

Sheng Fenghua slept soundly, but some people couldn't fall asleep anyway.And this person is Wen Jianing.

For Si Zhanbei, she has a morbid obsession. Since she was a teenager, from the moment she fell in love with her boss Zhanbei, she swore that this man could only be hers.

For this reason, when she learned that others also liked Si Zhanbei, she secretly attacked those who liked Si Zhanbei.Threats, coercion, beatings, destroying people's innocence, she has done all these things.It's just to make those people dare not like Si Zhanbei any more, dare not compete with her, or rob her.

But she didn't want to, she had done so many things, but in the end, someone else took the lead.

She also wanted to use the same method to destroy Sheng Fenghua, but she found that although Sheng Fenghua came from a low background, he was very capable, and the people she was looking for were not close to Sheng Fenghua.

In addition, Sheng Fenghua is a soldier and is usually in the army. Her people have no way to enter the army to attack, so this matter is left alone.

Wen Jianing even thought about joining the army, but when she asked the other party, she said she was too old to join the army, so she had to give up.

Just when she didn't know what to do, she got the news that Si Zhanbei was studying in city B.This news made her very happy.

It is said that closeness comes first, but now that she is so close to Si Zhanbei, is she afraid that she might not be able to deal with him?
Even though Si Zhanbei showed that he loved Sheng Fenghua very much, but they were separated by such a long distance, no matter how deep their relationship was, it would fade sometimes.

What's more, Wen Jianing never believed that any man could really stand the temptation.She couldn't believe that Si Zhanbei wouldn't be tempted if he was such a living person and dangled in front of Si Zhanbei every day?

 Four more.

(End of this chapter)

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