ace warm marriage

Chapter 711 Prepare for Action

Chapter 711 Prepare for Action
At this time, Bill didn't even know that he was just a chess piece used by Wen Jianing.As for those sweet words, it was just to make him do things for her willingly.

Wen Jianing chatted with Bill for a while, said some nice words, and then said goodbye, and hung up the video.

As for Bill in country M, he began to understand Sheng Fenghua's daily work and schedule as soon as he hung up the video.

Since he promised Wen Jianing, he will definitely do it.In order to destroy Sheng Fenghua, he must first understand some of her situation, so that he can effectively target her, and then he will hit her with one blow.

After Bill had a thorough understanding of Sheng Fenghua's work and rest time, he immediately went to find his mother, Mrs. Ander.

"Mother, are you going to the castle to see Mrs. Dai Lisi recently?" Bill came to his mother and asked.If he went to the castle by himself, the teacher would be unknown.

However, if you go with your mother, that's another story.

"No, what's the matter, son?" Mrs. Ander looked at her son, a little puzzled.He never cared about his own affairs, why did he suddenly ask today?

"I want to see Dr. Engela. I haven't seen him recently, and I don't know how he is doing recently." Bill made an excuse.Mrs. Ander did not doubt that her son had always been close to Engua, and she knew it.

So, after hearing Bill's words, Mrs. Andra thought that her son missed Ngualla, so she said, "Son, do you miss Ngualla? If you want him to call him, just call him."

Bill smiled and said, "I think so too, but Engua seems to be very busy recently, and I don't know what he's busy with. Mrs. Dai Lisi's illness doesn't need to be treated by him, and he often stays in the castle. , making it difficult for me to see him now."

Hearing what Bill said, Mrs. Ander thought about it, too. Engua spent most of her time in the castle and rarely came out.

Even if he came out, he would still be seeing a doctor and doing surgery, and there was no extra time at all.

So, after thinking about it, she said, "Why don't I make an appointment with Mrs. Dai Lisi first to see when she has time, and when I go to see her, I will bring you along."

"Great, thank you mother!" Bill became happy, and kissed Mrs. Ander's cheek.

Seeing her son happy, Mrs. Ander became happy too. Then she went to the living room, called Mrs. Dai Lisi, and made an appointment for a visit.

Mrs. Dai Lisi was very happy when she received a call from Mrs. Ander, and told her that she was free for a few days and could go anytime.

However, Mrs. Ander thought about it and made an appointment for the afternoon three days later.In the afternoon, it was relatively free, and the two of them could have a good talk.

After making an appointment, Mrs. Ander told Bill.This made Bill very happy, and immediately acted.He had already figured out how to deal with Sheng Fenghua, so he was going out to buy some things.

Three days passed by in a flash.Sheng Fenghua hasn't gone out since the dark night shuffle. Apart from seeing a doctor, he spends his time reading books every day, and then goes to Baoquan's training ground to practice his skills, or fight against the security guards by the way.

The days are quite comfortable, and there are no worries.

Three days later in the afternoon, Mrs. Ander arrived at the castle as scheduled, accompanied by her son Bill.Bill was supposed to attend class, but for the sake of the goddess in his heart and to help Wen Jianing, he asked the professor for leave for the first time.

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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