ace warm marriage

Chapter 716 Give a Lesson

Chapter 716 Give a Lesson
Originally, he was thinking that when Xu Qicheng made a move, he would slowly make Wen Jianing lose everything.But now it seems that it can't wait.

For this reason, he decided to teach Wen Jianing a good lesson, lest she stretch her hand too far.

Si Zhanbei made a phone call and hung up after explaining a few words to the other party.

The next day, a photo of Wen Jianing getting drunk at a nightclub and being raped by several men was published on the headline of City B's morning newspaper.

The old man of the Wen family has always had the habit of reading newspapers in the morning.When he saw the headlines in the newspaper, his face darkened instantly, and he said to Grandma Wen, "Go and wake Ning Ning up."

"What's wrong?" Granny Wen saw that her wife's mood was wrong, so she asked.

"Look for yourself!" Old Man Wen was so angry that he threw the newspaper in front of Grandma Wen.He always thought that Wen Jianing was a good person, but he didn't want to go to a place like a nightclub, which would completely embarrass the Wen family.

Grandma Wen looked at her husband suspiciously, wondering why he suddenly became angry today.However, he reached out and picked up the newspaper, and glanced at it.

With just one glance, he saw that the photo in the newspaper was his precious granddaughter.When she saw clearly what her granddaughter was doing, her complexion instantly became ugly.I finally understood why my wife was so angry.

Not to mention my wife, she was also angry when she saw such a picture.

What is this like!

A girl's family, not to mention going to a nightclub, there are actually several men flirting with each other. If the elders of the family see her like this, who would want to marry her in the house?

Thinking of this, Grandma Wen immediately stood up and went to Wen Jianing's room.

Recently Wen Jianing was in a bad mood because of Si Zhanbei, so last night he went to a nighttime carnival with a few friends to vent his emotions.

In order not to be recognized by others, they also deliberately found a nightclub that was relatively remote and less likely to meet acquaintances.Therefore, at this time, she didn't know that her indecent photos had been circulated, and she was still asleep on the bed.

It wasn't until Grandma Wen knocked on her door that she opened her eyes and asked out of sleep deprivation, "Who is it?"

Her tone was full of impatience. She came back too late yesterday and didn't get enough sleep at all.This will be woken up by knocking on the door, it's no wonder her tone is good.

"Ning Ning, it's me, grandma!" Grandma Wen looked a little unhappy when she heard Wen Jianing's impatient voice, but she still suppressed her anger.

She believed in her granddaughter, so she didn't want to get angry before she found out the truth of the matter.

"Grandma? Is there something wrong?" When Wen Jianing heard that it was Grandma Wen, she reluctantly got up from the bed and opened the door.

"Ning Ning, what did you do last night, what time is it, why do you still look like you haven't woken up?" Grandma looked at Wen Jianing with disheveled hair, a little displeased.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?" Wen Jianing was sensitive, she immediately heard that Grandma Wen's tone was wrong, so she couldn't help asking.

"Ning Ning, who were you with last night?" Grandma Wen didn't answer Wen Jianing's question, but asked again.

"Grandma, what's the matter with you? Don't you never care about my affairs? I went out with some friends yesterday." Wen Jianing glanced at Grandma Wen and explained in a low voice.

She didn't dare to tell Grandma Wen that she went to the nightclub by herself, so she said it very perfunctorily, not knowing that something had happened.

 Six more.

(End of this chapter)

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