Chapter 718
"What?" Wen Jianing was startled, looked at Old Man Wen, his expression changed, he knelt in front of him, and said, "Grandpa, don't!"

"I've already made up my mind, let's go!" Old Man Wen looked at Wen Jianing with a heartache on his face.He originally thought that Wen Jianing was just a little arrogant, but he didn't take it to heart.After all, which aristocratic woman is not arrogant?
But she should never have done such a thing, and she was photographed and put in the newspaper.

Once the newspaper was published, he felt ashamed to face people.

Originally, he planned to go out to meet old friends today, but now he has no face to go out.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with Ning Ning, can you tell Ning Ning? If Ning Ning did something wrong and made you angry, you can beat Ning Ning or scold Ning Ning, just don't drive Ning Ning away, okay?"

Wen Jianing begged.She absolutely can't leave here, can't be kicked out, otherwise, who will give her face in the future for her brothers, sisters, and those in the clan?
"I don't want to see you again." After saying that, Old Man Wen stood up and went back to his room.

Seeing that old man Wen was gone, Wen Jianing turned her attention to Grandma Wen again, and she knelt down in front of Grandma Wen, and said, "Grandma, Ning Ning don't leave you, Ning Ning doesn't want you, please don't drive Ning Ning away." I'd rather go."

"Ningning, it's not that grandpa and grandma are cruel, but you really hurt grandpa and grandma's heart too much. We have put so much effort into cultivating you, and we will give you whatever you want since you were a child. But how did you repay us? , Forget everything we taught you."

"Grandma, Ning Ning was wrong, Ning Ning knew it was wrong. Grandma, please give Ning Ning another chance, Ning Ning must change, okay?" Wen Jianing actually didn't know where she was wrong, but in order to stay, she You must admit your mistake.

Seeing Wen Jianing like this, Grandma Wen decided to give her a chance, so she asked, "Then tell me, what's wrong?"

As soon as these words came out, Wen Jianing was stunned, unable to answer at all.Where did she go wrong, she didn't know at all, how could she come back?

"I, I..." Wen Jianing talked for a long time, but he didn't say where he was wrong.

Seeing Wen Jianing like this, Grandma Wen shook her head, full of disappointment, she didn't know where she was wrong.It seemed that she still had too high expectations of her.

Alas, who would have thought that the ladies from aristocratic families that she cultivated with all her heart would look like this.Grandma Wen sighed, took the newspaper from the side, put it in front of Wen Jianing, got up and left.

Wen Jianing didn't know why, so she looked at Grandma Wen.But Grandma Kewen didn't look at her, but went straight away.

In desperation, Wen Jianing had no choice but to look down at the newspaper.When she saw the headlines in the newspaper, saw herself flirting with several men, and even making some large-scale movements, her expression changed immediately.

She finally understood why the second elder was angry!
However, what she couldn't figure out was how the photo got out.It was a remote nightclub that she had deliberately chosen to avoid her acquaintances. How could there be photos circulating?

Who is it that is against her?

While filtering possible people in his mind, Wen Jianing darkened his face.

It seems that this time the two elders will not be so easy to calm down.Having stayed by their side for more than [-] years, Wen Jianing is still clear about their temper.Otherwise, it would be impossible to win their favor and make myself an important position in the Wen family.

But now, what should she do?It is definitely not possible to leave.

 Two more.

(End of this chapter)

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