Chapter 721
After thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua nodded in agreement, and then said to Engua: "I'll go back and get the medicine box first, and you can tell Mrs. Dai Lisi for me."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Sheng!" Engua was very happy when she heard that Sheng Fenghua agreed.After separating from her, I went to talk to Mrs. Dai Lisi.

Sheng Fenghua returned to his room, quickly turned on the computer, and then called out the email sent to her by Ning Ruiyu, and quickly browsed it.

She focused on Wen Jianing's life abroad and the friends he had made before.Soon, it became known that Bill was Wen Jianing's admirer and had been pursuing her.But Wen Jianing never agreed, until a few days ago, Wen Jianing took the initiative to contact Bill.

Seeing this, Sheng Fenghua still doesn't understand, it must be that Wen Jianing gave Bill some kind of sweetness and asked Bill to help her deal with herself.

No wonder Bill would ask her about Wen Jianing that day, it turned out that she was another idiot who was deceived by Wen Jianing.

Sheng Fenghua wrote down the information about Bill, then turned off the computer, and went to meet Engua with his medicine box.

Engua took Sheng Fenghua to Bill's house, a villa in the middle of the mountain.I heard that all the senior officials of country M live here, and Bill's father is one of the senior officials.

Seeing Engua's car, the guard immediately opened the door and let the car drive in.

The car drove into the villa, Sheng Fenghua and Engua got out of the car, and someone greeted them immediately, and invited them into the hall.

In the hall, when Mrs. And saw Engua coming with Sheng Fenghua, she immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Engua, you are here."

"Hello, Mrs. Ander!" Engua greeted Mrs. Ander, and then introduced Sheng Fenghua to her, saying, "This is Miss Sheng, Mrs. Dai Lisi's professional doctor."

"Miss Sheng, hello, I have long admired your name."

"Mrs. Ander!" Sheng Fenghua nodded lightly, neither humble nor overbearing, and generous.Mrs. Ander nodded secretly, and said: "This Miss Sheng is really just like Mrs. Dai Lisi said, she is not flattering or flattering.

"Mrs. Ander, I don't know how Bill is doing now?" Engua brought Sheng Fenghua to see a doctor, so he asked directly without exchanging pleasantries.

"The situation is not very good. He has been willing to go to the hospital, so I have to trouble Mr. Engela."

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Ander called out: "Come here, take Mr. Engela to the young master's room."

"Yes, ma'am!" The servant replied, and then said to Engua and Sheng Fenghua: "Please follow me, both of you."

The two followed the servant up to the second floor and went to Bill's room.

The servant knocked on the door, and a hoarse voice came from inside: "Who?"

"Master, Mr. Engela is here."

"Invite them in."

"Please, both!" The servant pushed open the door and made a gesture of invitation to the two of them.

Sheng Fenghua and Engua walked in, and at a glance they saw Bill lying on the bed, a little depressed.

Today's Bill looks much haggard and sickly compared to the previous few days.

"Dr. Engela, Miss Sheng, you are here. Please sit down!" Bill looked at the two and said with some effort.

Seeing that Bill was seriously ill, Engela couldn't help feeling distressed. He stepped forward to look at him and asked, "Bill, why did you make yourself like this?"

"I caught wind and cold two days ago, and I didn't care about it. I didn't go to see a doctor. Who knew that after two days, it became like this." Bill said helplessly.

Sheng Fenghua stood aside quietly, looked at Bill, and frowned slightly.

 Five more.

(End of this chapter)

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