ace warm marriage

Chapter 734 Where is she?

Chapter 734 Where is she?

"You?" Jun Nianchen was irritated by the words of the defeated general, making him very angry.What he cared about was not that he couldn't beat Si Zhanbei, but that he was a step late when he met Sheng Fenghua.

"Why, don't you agree?" Si Zhanbei looked at Jun Nianchen contemptuously, he was so angry today that he had nowhere to vent his anger.Although I just played a game, I sprinkled some.But because he couldn't find Sheng Fenghua, he felt a lot of depression in his heart.

Jun Nianchen took a deep look at him, and said: "What's the use of you in front of me? If you have the ability, go elsewhere."

"Jun Nianchen, let me ask you again, where is my daughter-in-law?" Si Zhanbei looked impatient, he couldn't find Sheng Fenghua, he was going crazy.

"I don't know." Jun Nianchen glanced at Si Zhanbei, planning to die without saying anything.He must never tell Si Zhan where Bei Sheng Fenghua is, and he must never let him have the opportunity to hurt Sheng Fenghua again.

Didn't Si Zhanbei not cherish Sheng Fenghua?Didn't it break her heart?Well, let him cherish it in the future, and let him make up for Sheng Fenghua's broken heart little by little.In the days to come, he wanted Sheng Fenghua to smile every day, so that she would not shed a single tear, and to make her face smile every day.

"Jun Nianchen, my patience is limited." Si Zhanbei spit out a few words lightly, and the hand holding Jun Nianchen's collar became more and more forceful. Jun Nianchen's face swelled because of the tight grip flushed.

"I said I don't know. If you don't believe me, I can't help it."

"Jun Nianchen, someone saw you taking my wife away, you'd better hand her over. Otherwise, don't blame me for having your hotel demolished."

"Demolish my hotel, okay!" Jun Nianchen said with a nonchalant expression, "Demolish it as you like, anyway, I won't tell you where Fenghua is, and I won't let you hurt her again."

"You're talking nonsense, when did I hurt my wife? It's too late for me to hurt her, how could I hurt her?" Si Zhanbei's face was ugly.

How could he be willing to hurt his wife, he wished to bring all the best things in the world to her, and he even wished to take his wife with him everywhere, so how could he be willing to hurt her.Even if he hurt himself, he would not hurt her.

"No? If not, why would Fenghua cry and go to the bar alone to get drunk?" Jun Nianchen obviously didn't believe what Si Zhanbei said, and he didn't want to believe it either.Because, he didn't want to return Sheng Fenghua to Si Zhanbei at all.

He wanted Sheng Fenghua to be his woman, his wife.

"That's a misunderstanding!" Si Zhanbei roared angrily.After yelling, he glanced at Jun Nianchen again, and said, "Forget it, I'm here to explain the ghost to you. I'll go and explain to my wife."

"Tell me quickly, where is my daughter-in-law!" After Si Zhanbei finished speaking, he let go of Jun Nianchen's collar.

"I don't know!" Jun Nianchen still didn't want to say it, even if it was for selfish reasons or to teach Si Zhanbei a lesson, he would not tell him where Sheng Fenghua was.Even if she is next door.

"You!" Si Zhanbei was so angry that he gave Jun Nianchen a hard look, and then searched the room by himself.

Jun Nianchen lived in a suite with several bedrooms.Si Zhanbei pushed away one by one, but still did not see Sheng Fenghua's figure, and his expression darkened again.

His wife is not here!
Where would she be then?

Didn't Jun Nianchen come back with his wife?Jun Nianchen is here, what about the daughter-in-law?
 The sixth watch is over!Depositor.

(End of this chapter)

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