ace warm marriage

Chapter 741 Are you okay?

Chapter 741 Are you okay?
Stretching out his hand, Wen Jianing gently touched his wound, then took out the phone from his handbag and made a call.

She called Si Zhanbei, originally she didn't want to call Si Zhanbei so soon.But for the sake of the tone in her heart, for the sake of face, she decided to use the trump card in her hand first.

Si Zhanbei was sleeping soundly with Sheng Fenghua in his arms, and was awakened by the phone call. He thought it was an urgent mission, so he glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and then quietly got up to answer the phone.

But he didn't know that Sheng Fenghua also woke up, but he didn't open his eyes.

When Si Zhanbei answered the phone and heard Wen Jianing's voice, his face darkened instantly, and he said, "Why is it you?"

After finishing speaking, we must hang up the phone.But Wen Jianing seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said: "Si Zhanbei, if you dare to hang up, I will immediately post the photo of Sheng Fenghua hugging another man on the Internet."

As soon as these words came out, Si Zhanbei hesitated.Although, he had told Ning Ruiyu to solve the matter before, but Ning Ruiyu didn't call later, and he didn't know whether it was resolved or not.

In case Ning Ruiyu forgot, and Wen Jianingzhen put it on the Internet before it was resolved, then Sheng Fenghua's reputation would be ruined.

So, Si Zhanbei thought about it, and instead of hanging up the phone, he asked, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"You come to my house to pick me up now, I'm hurt."

"Going to your house? Are you okay?" Si Zhanbei's voice cooled down, "Don't you want to see what time it is?"

"Si Zhanbei, I am sick and lovesick, and you are the medicine. I just want to ask you, are you coming?" Wen Jianing looked confident because of Sheng Fenghua's photo.

She has no status in the Wen family now. If Si Zhanbei could pick her up and send her to the hospital, then the Wen family would have some scruples. Things like today will never happen again.

Wen Jianing's plan was wishful thinking, but Si Zhanbei was not a fool, nor could he be threatened by the other party.

However, he hasn't confirmed the matter clearly, so he doesn't want to tear his face apart for the time being, so he said: "You wait!"

After finishing speaking, Si Zhanbei hung up the phone directly, and then called Ning Ruiyu.

Ning Ruiyu was a little surprised when he received a call from Si Zhanbei, so he asked, "Third brother, it's so late to call, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Ba, have you done what I told you before?"

"I did, what's the matter?"

"Wen Jianing just called and threatened me, saying that she was injured and asked me to go to her home to take her to the hospital. He said that if I didn't go, he would post the photo on the Internet."

"Damn, this Wen Jianing is crazy."

"Even if you're not crazy, you're probably not far from crazy."

"Third brother, don't listen to her. I have already disposed of those photos. Unless she finds a hacker, she won't be able to get them back."

"okay, I get it."

Si Zhanbei hung up the phone, then went back to the room, looked at Sheng Fenghua who was still sleeping with his eyes closed, turned off his phone, went to bed and took Sheng Fenghua into his arms.

"Daughter-in-law, did I wake you up?" As soon as Si Zhanbei put his arms around Sheng Fenghua, he knew she was awake.Because, the moment he hugged her, her body stiffened.Although she soon relaxed, he still felt it.

Being discovered by Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to open his eyes, looked at him and said, "Why are you here?"

She clearly remembered that she went to look for Si Zhanbei before, but he didn't see her, which made her wait for several hours in vain, and finally said that she was not free.

 Thanks to Fly Free and Guardian for your reward!Thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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