Chapter 759
Even if Wen Jianing did something wrong, she shouldn't have said so.Besides, Mrs. Wen felt that it was understandable for Wen Jianing to do this.After all, for a long time, the two families have a tacit understanding that they want to marry.

Although they have not made it clear, the two families know it well.

But now, all of this was ruined by Sheng Fenghua, a woman who came out halfway.Strictly speaking, Sheng Fenghua is the mistress between Si Zhanbei and Wen Jianing.

Mr. Si also saw Mrs. Wen's embarrassment, so he pretended to say something to Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Daughter-in-law Zhanbei, what are you talking about? Hurry up and apologize to Mrs. Wen. Carrian is Carrian, why are you Can you say that about Mrs. Wen?"

It was fine if he didn't say that, but when he said it, Mrs. Wen became even more ashamed to face others.

"Yes, Grandpa, I will apologize to the old lady right now."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua turned his head to look at Mrs. Wen, and said sincerely: "Mrs. Wen, I'm sorry, I'm young and ignorant, and I don't speak through my brain. If there is something that Mrs. Wen doesn't like, please let me People Haihan."

"As for what Ms. Wen did, I still need to find some time to talk to Ms. Wen so that she will stop pestering my husband."

"After all, she has already had a bad influence on Zhan Bei. Besides, breaking up a military marriage will result in a court-martial. Ms. Wen probably doesn't know about this, so I have to remind her sometime."

Mrs. Wen looked at Sheng Fenghua who was clearly apologizing, but secretly said something about Wen Jianing's wrongdoing, her complexion was extremely ugly.She couldn't listen any longer, so she stood up and said, "Brother Si, I still have some things to do at home, so I'll go back first. I'll visit you some other day when I'm free."

Mr. Si didn't ask to stay either, but directly ordered Steward Wang, "Butler Wang, see off the guests!"

When the old lady left, Mr. Si looked at Sheng Fenghua and didn't speak for a long time.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?" Sheng Fenghua looked at him a little puzzled.

"Daughter-in-law of Zhanbei, you are still young, you should be more tactful when you speak and do things in the future, and you can't be as aggressive as before, you know?"

"Okay, Grandpa, I understand." Sheng Fenghua replied humbly.It's not that she doesn't know that she has offended Mrs. Wen.

But she didn't care, because from the very beginning, or from the moment she married Si Zhanbei, it was impossible for her and the Wen family to live in peace.

That being the case, why make yourself unhappy for the so-called face?

"You have to be more careful in City B in the future. Mrs. Wen is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I'm afraid she won't be able to swallow this breath, which will be bad for you."

"Thank you, Grandpa, for reminding me. I will be careful." Sheng Fenghua felt warm in his heart, and looked at Mr. Si gratefully.She knew that Mr. Si was sincerely doing it for her own good, that's why she said such a thing.

"Last time I heard that you can play chess. How about playing two games with me?" Mr. Si watched as Sheng Fenghua listened to his words, but didn't say anything more.

"Okay! If the time comes, I'm not good at learning, grandpa, please don't dislike me." Sheng Fenghua said the ugly words first, so as not to lose too much after a while.

"It's okay, you'll know when you play." Mr. Si is still full of expectations for Sheng Fenghua's chess skills.

In his opinion, Sheng Fenghua really doesn't look like she came from the countryside. No matter how she handles people, her personal temperament, or her performance in all aspects, she can't tell that she is from a rural area.

 One more, thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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