ace warm marriage

Chapter 768 Shot Healing

Chapter 768

"Yes, Miss Sheng, if you have a way, please help me." Wen Jiahui looked at Sheng Fenghua pleadingly, hoping that she could help her.

"I can help you take a look. But it's not as simple as removing the scars for the scalp to grow back. It will take at least twice as long."

"What?" Wen Jiahui thought she had heard wrong, and stared blankly at Sheng Fenghua.

"I said it takes twice as long to think about it on your scalp than on your face." Sheng Fenghua looked at Wen Jiahui and repeated.

As soon as Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, Wen Jiahui suddenly became excited, hugged her vigorously and said, "That's great!"

"Miss Sheng, you are my benefactor."

Sheng Fenghua was made a little uncomfortable by Wen Jiahui's sudden enthusiasm.She didn't like being so close to people, so she moved her away from her body calmly, and then said: "Miss Wen, you should sit down first, and I will help you look at the wound."

"Okay, okay!" Wen Jiahui responded and sat down on the chair next to her.

Only then did Sheng Fenghua take off the gauze on Wen Jiahui's head, and then took a look at the wound.Fortunately, it's not too serious, and not much scalp is ripped off.Just apply some medicine, no surgery or anything.

After reading it, Sheng Fenghua said directly: "The wound is not big or serious, just apply some medicine."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua turned around again and took out another bottle of medicine from the medicine box, and rubbed it on Wen Jiahui's head.Strange to say, the scalp, which was a little sore, didn't hurt after applying the medicine.

After applying the medicine, Sheng Fenghua didn't wrap Wen Jiahui with gauze, but explained: "This medicine is three times a day, be careful not to touch the water. It's best not to wash your hair for a few days, and wait until the wound heals." wash."

After explaining the precautions, Sheng Fenghua said to Wen Mu and Wen Jiahui: "My outpatient fee today plus the money for these two bottles of medicine is a total of 30."

When this number was reported, Mrs. Wen was startled, and said, "Miss Sheng, how much do you say?"

"30! I don't know if Ma'am is a transfer or a check."

After Mrs. Wen heard the price clearly, her expression changed immediately, and she said, "Miss Sheng, is the price too expensive?"

Sheng Fenghua glanced at Mrs. Wen and said, "Mrs. Wen, they say you get what you pay for. I can tell you this, except for my medicine, no matter who Miss Wen uses, it will leave scars."

"So, madam, you can weigh whether Miss Wen's face is more important than money."

After Wen Jiahui heard this, she couldn't help calling Mrs. Wen: "Mom, I'm your daughter, don't you think you can't bear 30 yuan?"

"Huihui, that's not what Mom meant." Mrs. Wen couldn't help feeling distressed when she saw her daughter's sad and disappointed expression.

"Mom, since that's not what you mean, then give the money to Miss Sheng. It's not easy for her to come here."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Mrs. Wen finally compromised.If the money is gone, it can be earned again, but if the face is ruined, it is a lifetime thing.

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Wen turned and went back to her room to get the check.

Seeing that Mrs. Wen was gone, Wen Jiahui asked Sheng Fenghua, "Miss Sheng, can you sell me another bottle of the ointment for removing scars?"

"Why?" Sheng Fenghua was a little puzzled.According to Wen Jiahui's injury, one bottle of medicine is enough, and there are even more.

Wen Jiahui looked at Sheng Fenghua, hesitated for a moment, and did not tell the true use of the medicine, but found an excuse and said: "I am just in case, in case I get injured in the future, Don't bother Miss Sheng anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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