ace warm marriage

Chapter 772 High-profile display of love

Chapter 772 High-profile display of love ([-])

Because of this, she went outside to adopt two children on purpose.And she only found out after Ye Fengchi was arrested that the two children were not orphans at all, but children born to Ye Fengchi and another woman.

It's just that she has been living foolishly in Ye Fengchi's fictional love fortress, and has never known it.

Now, those two children have been taken away by their mother, and she doesn't care about them anymore.Instead, he gave them a sum of money directly so that the two children could live comfortably.

In any case, those two children had brought her a lot of joy.

"Of course!" Sheng Fenghua laughed, his eyes shone brightly, bringing invisible strength to people.

"Fenghua, thank you!" Mei Ruolan's eyes were moist, and she held Sheng Fenghua's hand.

This time, Sheng Fenghua didn't take out his hand, but let Mei Ruolan hold it, quietly waiting for her to calm down.

It took a while for Mei Ruolan to calm down, and then she said to Sheng Fenghua, "Fenghua, stay for dinner today. I will cook myself and cook some special dishes for you."

Sheng Fenghua thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.She is alone when she goes back, and Si Zhanbei is at school, so it's better to stay with Mei Ruolan, the two of them can do things together.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua agreed, Mei Ruolan immediately stood up and went to the kitchen.Sheng Fenghua watched, then got up and followed.

In the kitchen, the aunt who was cooking saw Mei Ruolan come in, and shouted: "Miss, why are you here? The meal is not ready yet, we have to wait a little longer."

"Sister-in-law Liu, I have a guest today and I want to cook by myself, so go and have a rest." Mei Ruolan rolled up her sleeves while talking, and walked aside to take an apron to wear on her body.

After listening to Mei Ruolan's words, Mrs. Wang retreated directly from the kitchen, and smiled when she met Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua then walked into the kitchen, and said to Mei Ruolan, "Aunt Mei, let me help you."

"Fenghua, I don't need your help here. Go sit in the living room, you can watch TV or something. If you don't want to watch TV, my study is on the third floor, and there are quite a few books in it for you to read."

"No need for Aunt Mei, I'll just stay here and watch you cook, and learn a few tricks along the way." Sheng Fenghua smiled, then rolled up his sleeves and helped choose vegetables.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua had already started, Mei Ruolan didn't say much, and then began to choose dishes.

The two moved very quickly, and after half an hour, the vegetables were fried.As for the rice, Mrs. Wang had already cooked it before.

The two brought out the dishes, four dishes and one soup, Sheng Fenghua fried one, and Mei Ruolan cooked the rest.Needless to say, Mei Ruolan's cooking skills are pretty good, it's not obvious at all that she is a young lady from an aristocratic family.

Mei Ruolan felt a little sad about the fact that she knew how to cook.She didn't know anything before, but since she married Ye Fengchi, she learned to cook.

Because Ye Fengchi said that he doesn't like eating out, but prefers to eat at home.Although the family hired a nanny, Mei Ruolan still felt that it was a very happy thing to cook for the man she loved.

Therefore, she not only learned from the nanny at home, but also specially signed up for a cooking training class.After learning a good cooking skill, she specially cooks for Ye Fengchi.

As a result, Mei Ruolan cooked most of the meals in their family.

After eating, the two talked for a while, seeing that it was getting late, Sheng Fenghua then offered to leave.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when we got back to the apartment.

(End of this chapter)

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