ace warm marriage

Chapter 775 High-profile display of love

Chapter 775 High-profile Shows of Love ([-])

Si Zhanbei opened his eyes, took the phone over, and saw that it was Ning Ruiyu calling.

"Third Brother, it's bad!" As soon as the call was connected, before Si Zhanbei could speak, Ning Ruiyu's anxious voice reached Si Zhanbei's ears.

"What's the matter, Xiaoba?" Si Zhanbei frowned slightly and asked.Ning Ruiyu's voice sounded anxious, and he didn't know what happened.

"Third brother, please go online and check the headlines on the Internet, Wen Jianing confessed to you." Ning Ruiyu said quickly, while looking at the latest headlines on the computer "Miss Wen Family Proudly Shows Love to Young Master Si" ".

Below the title is a love letter written by Wen Jianing to Si Zhanbei. The words are not many, but each word reveals his true feelings. It is very touching to watch.

Don't talk about others, Ning Ruiyu was moved.So, in less than half an hour, there were already tens of thousands of messages under the headline, all supporting Wen Jianing.

"What did you say?" Si Zhanbei thought he heard it wrong, his face darkened, and he got up from the bed.

"Third brother, I won't be able to tell for a while, you can go online and check it yourself. This post has been reposted so many times."

Si Zhanbei hung up the phone, went straight to the study, and turned on the computer.

As soon as he logged on to the webpage, the big words "Miss Wen Jia made a high-profile show of love to Young Master Si" jumped into Si Zhanbei's eyes.

Si Zhanbei glanced at it, then made a phone call directly, and ordered: "Find out the source of the post, and block the website."

As soon as Si Zhanbei finished his orders, he saw Sheng Fenghua standing at the door of the study, so he asked, "Did you wake up?"

"What happened?" Sheng Fenghua went into the study while talking, and sat down beside Si Zhanbei.

Si Zhanbei didn't speak, but moved the computer in front of Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the computer, then opened his eyes wide.

This is?

She quickly read the post, then turned to look at Si Zhanbei, and said, "Zhanbei, it seems that Wen Jianing is bound to win you. Do you think I should quit?"

"Daughter-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about?" Si Zhanbei's eyes sank, and he stretched out his big hand to hug Sheng Fenghua into his arms, and then bit her lightly on the lips punitively.

With a hiss, Sheng Fenghua felt the pain, then reached out and twisted Si Zhanbei's waist, and said, "Wen Jianing is like that Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, no matter how you treat her, she will rely on you Yes. This is the first time I have seen such a thick-skinned woman."

"Who says it's not." Si Zhanbei was also speechless, he said good things and bad things, and even warned Wen Jianing, but she not only didn't retreat in spite of the difficulties, but instead became more and more courageous.

If Wen Jianing's performance is used on others, or on other things, he would appreciate it.But she just wanted to use it on him, so he was really insensitive.

He really wanted to strangle Wen Jianing to death, so that she would not always be a hindrance to him.

"Zhan Bei, how do you plan to deal with this matter?" Sheng Fenghua was also quite annoyed with Wen Jianing, and now she regretted selling the ointment to Wen Jiahui.

Now, her face is ruined, and she still doesn't stop. When her face recovers, won't it be even more serious?

However, now that she wants to get the ointment back, she probably won't be able to get it back.It's been so long, the ointment should have been in Wen Jianing's hands long ago.

To be honest, Sheng Fenghua even wanted to kill Wen Jianing and beat Wen Jianing severely.Of course, the best way is to kill Wen Jianing directly.

(End of this chapter)

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