ace warm marriage

Chapter 778 4 Rumors

Chapter 778 Rumors Abound (Part [-])

"Third Master, Eldest Young Master, Young Madam." Steward Wang greeted the three of them, and then told everyone the news he had received earlier.

After hearing Steward Wang's words, Sheng Fenghua frowned first, looked at Mr. Si and said, "Grandpa, do you think the Wen family did this?"

"Who else is there besides the Wen family?" Although Mr. Si sent someone to investigate, he had already guessed in his heart.Regarding what happened this morning, Mr. Si also heard about it, so how could he fail to guess with such a combination?
"Father, it seems that this Wen family will not give up until it achieves its goal." Si Mufeng frowned, this Wen family is really annoying.In the past, when the two families were in frequent contact, he didn't feel it.

But looking at it now, this writer's behavior really makes some people not flattered.Although the two families of Siwen and Wen have a tacit understanding for a long time, they have never made it clear that it is not a breach of trust.

Moreover, Si Zhanbei has never called Wen Jianing, and has clearly refused many times.

"Who said it wasn't?" Mr. Si also had a headache. The Wen family has been chasing the Si family, which is really a headache.

In the past, he thought that the rest of the Wen family were easily confused, and Mr. Wen was not bad.But now it seems that he was wrong. There is no one in the Wen family who understands.

It is said that twisted melons are not sweet, and Si Zhanbei is married now, even if he and Sheng Fenghua did not set up a banquet, everyone in the circle knows that the Si family has already recognized Sheng Fenghua's identity.

What's more, the two are still married in the military, and breaking the military marriage will go to a military court.Could it be that they really don't know.

In other words, Wen Jianing really couldn't get married, and had to marry into their Si family.

"I think the Wen family should have a follower." Sheng Fenghua said suddenly, and her intuition told her that the Wen family would not only do this.

After all, what they always wanted was Si Zhanbei.And Si Zhanbei is her husband now, if the Wen family wants Wen Jianing to marry Si Zhanbei, they must let her out.

Therefore, Wen Jianing is likely to attack her next time.However, Sheng Fenghua couldn't figure out what method the other party would use to deal with her.

As I was guessing in my heart, the phone in my pocket rang.Sheng Fenghua took out the phone and saw that it was Mei Ruolan calling, so he couldn't help but look up at Si Mufeng.

Si Mufeng was puzzled when he received Sheng Fenghua's gaze, and asked, "Fenghua, what's the matter?"

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and then said to several people, "I'm going to answer the phone."

With that said, she got up and walked aside to answer the phone.

The phone was connected, and Mei Ruolan's anxious voice came: "Fenghua, Fenghua, it's not good."

"Aunt Mei, what's the matter?" Sheng Fenghua heard the anxiety in Mei Ruolan's voice. He didn't know what happened, but he still comforted him: "Don't worry, speak slowly if you have anything to say."

"Fenghua, it's like this. I just went out to dinner with my friends, and I met some people in the circle, and found that they were talking about you."

"About me?" Sheng Fenghua didn't understand. Although she was married to Si Zhanbei, she didn't have much contact with the people in the circle.

"Yes, they're all talking about you."

"What are they talking about about me?" Sheng Fenghua was even more puzzled.

"They said you were a mistress who stole Miss Wen's husband-in-law."

When Sheng Fenghua heard this, he secretly said that it was true.As expected, the Wen family made a move on her, even calling her a mistress.

It's really a big joke, this Wen Jianing has never been in contact with Si Zhanbei, even if the two had a verbal agreement, even tacit understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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