ace warm marriage

Chapter 781 4 Rumors

Chapter 781 Rumors Abound (Part [-])

But this time, she didn't want to insist anymore.Of course, the most important point is that she doesn't have much money on her.

Although Father Wen gave her some money, she wanted to save it to buy a house for herself.After all, she didn't have a house, so if one day she became homeless again, she wouldn't even have a place to live.

"Will Miss Wen know?" The man's eyes on Wen Jianing became ambiguous.From the first time he saw Wen Jianing, he wanted to sleep with her.

However, Wen Jianing has always been unwilling, and he has never forced her.

Wen Jianing hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said, "I promise you!"

The man laughed, and suddenly approached Wen Jianing, looking down at her.Wen Jianing's height of 1.6 meters [-] is not considered short, but he is still a lot shorter in front of a man.

As soon as the other party approached, she felt pressured, and then took a few steps back.

"Miss Wen is afraid of me?" The man laughed, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Wen Jianing collected himself, then looked up at the man.

Seeing her like this, the smile on the man's face grew stronger, then he clasped his big hands, caught the back of her head, brought her towards him, and bent down.

Feeling the approaching breath, Wen Jianing's face turned reddish, a little expectant, and a little nervous.

The man looked at Wen Jianing, and then gently pulled off the scarf on her face.As soon as the scarf fell off, Wen Jianing's expression changed instantly, and he took a few steps back abruptly.

How did she forget that her face was ruined.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Wen Jianing's actions, the man was slightly stunned.

"You, don't come here." Wen Jianing said while covering his face.The man then set his eyes on her face, looked at the face covered by the scarf, and asked, "What's wrong with your face?"

"No, nothing!" Wen Jianing shook his head, not wanting the man to know that his face was ruined.Men are visual creatures, and it's okay to know that her face is ruined.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he walked towards Wen Jianing step by step.

"Don't come over!" Wen Jianing said sharply, and took a few steps back.He was already close to the big bed behind him, and he only needed one more step to sit on the bed.

The man didn't listen to Wen Jianing, but walked up to her again, and stretched out his hand towards her face.

Wen Jianing was startled, took another step back, and sat down on the bed.And the man's hand just reached Wen Jianing's face, hooking the scarf on her face.

At this moment, Wen Jianing didn't know whether she was frightened or what, but she forgot to block her and let the other party pull her scarf away, revealing her ruined face.

Looking at Wen Jianing's face, the man was obviously taken aback for a moment, then his face gradually became angry, and he asked, "Who did it?"

Wen Jianing didn't answer, but the man said directly, "Is that the woman in the photo?"

Wen Jianing still didn't speak, but the man had already confirmed his guess.So, his face sank slightly, he touched her face lightly with his fingers, and said, "Don't worry, I will avenge you."

As he spoke, there was a look of pity on his face, and the movements of his hands became more and more gentle.

Wen Jianing was stunned, she actually felt the pity of the other party, was it her illusion?
However, Wen Jianing couldn't recover from the man's next actions.The man's head was slowly approaching, getting closer and closer, and finally leaned directly on her forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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