ace warm marriage

Chapter 783 Small Punishment Carrian

Chapter 783 Small Punishment Carrian ([-])

Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei who sincerely admitted his mistake with an apologetic face, and couldn't continue to blame him.Although he didn't discuss it with her, it was a good thing for her.

Because, from today onwards, people in the entire city of B, and even the entire Huaxia, knew that she, Sheng Fenghua, was Si Zhanbei's wife and the young wife of the Si family.

He slapped the faces of those who said she was the mistress and ruined the relationship between Si Zhanbei and Wen Jianing.Rectify her name, so that people in the whole circle can no longer underestimate her, and can no longer make irresponsible remarks behind her back.

"One last time!" Sheng Fenghua said lightly, not intending to pursue it.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so kind!" Si Zhanbei hugged Sheng Fenghua and kissed her on the lips.

"Okay, don't be poor, the wedding is half a month away, and I haven't prepared anything." Sheng Fenghua gently pushed Si Zhan Bei, thinking about what to prepare for the wedding.

No, Si Zhanbei laughed after hearing her words: "Daughter-in-law, you don't need to prepare anything, just prepare yourself."

After hearing this, Sheng Fenghua gave Si Zhanbei a blank look and said, "It's only half a month before the wedding, even if you want me to prepare, I can't prepare. Besides, I don't know what to prepare thing."

"Daughter-in-law, I'm serious. You really don't need to prepare, I have already prepared. On the wedding day, you just need to dress up beautifully and be my bride."

"That's what you said, I'm really not ready."

"Yes, I said so." Si Zhanbei laughed, and kissed Sheng Fenghua again.

The two fought for a while, and Si Zhanbei said to Sheng Fenghua again: "Daughter-in-law, I have sent someone to pick up your parents."

Sheng Fenghua was stunned and stared blankly at Si Zhanbei. It took him a long time to realize that the parents he was talking about were the parents of the original owner.

Si Zhanbei seemed to know what Sheng Fenghua was thinking, and said to her: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will tell your parents that you have lost your memory after a fall, so if you can't remember the past, you can't remember it." It's okay. They shouldn't care about it."

"I'm not worried about that." Sheng Fenghua shook her head, she had most of the memory of the original owner, so she wasn't worried about revealing her secrets.What she was worried about was that she was not used to getting close to others, even if the other party was the original owner's parents, she was the same.

"It's okay, I have everything to do with me." Si Zhanbei comforted Sheng Fenghua, no matter what happened, he would stand by her side.Now, she is his wife, even if the other party is Sheng Fenghua's parents, don't even think about hurting her.

"En!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, feeling a little depressed.

Si Zhanbei hugged her tightly, comforting her silently.

Sheng Fenghua leaned against Si Zhanbei's arms, and those things sealed in the memory of the original owner were revealed bit by bit.

The original owner was born in the countryside, and the family conditions were not good.She is the second child in the family, she is in the middle, she belongs to the kind whose father doesn't love her, mother doesn't love her, and no one cares about her.

Every time, the delicious food at home is eaten either the big one or the small one, and the one in the middle is only drooling.

Sometimes, she even wondered if she was born to them. Otherwise, why are they the same children, but there is such a big difference?
However, she was only suspicious, but never asked them.Now, thinking that they were coming, Sheng Fenghua still resisted in his heart.However, getting married is a big deal. As a bride, it is impossible for her to have no natal family.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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