ace warm marriage

Chapter 786 Small Punishment Carrian

Chapter 786 Small Punishment Carrian ([-])

"Ning Ning, what's the matter with you?" Mrs. Wen was wearing pajamas and knocked on Wen Jianing's room.

Wen Jianing, still in shock, was startled again when he heard the knock on the door.It was only when she heard Mrs. Wen's voice that she regained her composure slightly, then jumped off the bed and ran to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Wen Jianing plunged into Mrs. Wen's arms, and said, "Grandma, snake, what a big snake."

"Snake?" Mrs. Wen frowned. They have lived here for dozens of years, and they have never found a snake.

"Yes, grandma, a big snake crawled in through the window and then crawled away." Wen Jianing trembled as he spoke.

"Come on, go to Missy's room to see where there are snakes." Old Man Wen saw that Wen Jianing didn't seem to be lying, and was quite frightened, so he immediately ordered the servants at home.

The servant did not dare to be negligent after receiving the order from Mr. Wen, and immediately went into Wen Jianing's room to search for it.

After a circle, no snakes were found at all, so he replied: "Master, Madam, no snakes were found."

"The snake is not in the room anymore, it has already left." Wen Jianing said in a low voice, when she screamed just now, the snake ran away.

"Go and have a look outside." Old Master Wen ordered again, and the servant went out into the garden again.But at night, even if there were snakes, they couldn't see them.

Even though they all had flashlights in their hands, they still didn't see any snakes.

Several servants searched around the garden again and again, but still found nothing, so they had to report again.

Mr. Wen frowned after hearing what the servant said, and asked Wen Jianing who was hiding behind Mrs. Wen: "Ning Ning, are you having a nightmare?"

"No, no, it wasn't a nightmare. I actually saw the snake and it crawled up my bed and licked my face with its tongue."

While talking, Wen Jianing touched his own face.Thinking of her face being licked by a snake before, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

Old Man Wen glanced at Wen Jianing, waved to the servant, and said, "Go back and rest."

"The servants have left, only the second elder of the Wen family and Wen Jianing are left.

Mrs. Wen looked at Wen Jianing who still looked scared, and couldn't bear it, she said to Mrs. Wen: "Old man, how about I sleep with Ning Ning tonight."

"Alright!" Old Man Wen nodded, seeing that Wen Jianing's fear was not faking.

"Thank you, grandpa, grandma." Wen Jianing thanked her, and then followed Grandma Wen to the guest room to sleep.

Mr. Wen then went back to his room and went to bed.

Because of sleeping with Mrs. Wen, Wen Jianing was no longer afraid, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, she woke up late, and when she opened her eyes, Mrs. Wen was no longer in bed.For some reason, the scene of last night suddenly appeared in her mind, and then she got up from the bed with a jolt.

She got up, but she dared not go back to her room.After hesitating at the door for a long time, he opened the door and walked in.

Although I know that in broad daylight, there will be no more snakes.But Wen Jianing still had lingering fears, looked around first, and then went to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, she quickly finished washing, then quickly found a set of clothes to change into, and then went to find the second elder of the Wen family.

She searched around the house, but couldn't find anyone, and she became frightened again, and shouted loudly: "Grandpa, grandma!"

(End of this chapter)

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