ace warm marriage

Chapter 793 Propose Acknowledgment

Chapter 793 Propose Acknowledgment ([-])

"Mu Feng, are you here?"


Seeing Mei Ruolan, Si Mufeng was a little surprised, he didn't expect to see her as soon as he came.

"Let's sit over there for a while." Mei Ruolan walked up to Si Mufeng and found that many eyes were on them, so she couldn't help suggesting.

"Okay!" Si Mufeng nodded, and walked to the side sofa with Mei Ruolan and sat down.

Although Wen Jianing was talking with the two old people, he kept paying attention to whether Mei Ruolan came down from the upstairs.When he saw that Mei Ruolan was already talking with Si Mufeng, his eyes flickered, and he said to Grandma Ning: "Grandma Ning, I'm sorry."

After speaking, she stood up and walked towards the hall.

Wen Jianing came to the stairs and walked towards the second floor.When she was halfway there, Huang Yan and the others came.

Seeing Huang Yan, Wen Jianing had no choice but to give up temporarily the idea of ​​going upstairs to find Si Zhanbei, and then walked towards Huang Yan and the others.

Huang Yan and the others also saw Wen Jianing, laughed and went forward.

"Miss Wen!" Several people greeted Wen Jianing.

"You are here." Wen Jianing smiled at them, then pointed to the road leading to the garden, and said, "Let's go outside and talk."

Huang Yan and the others took a look at the people in the hall, and it was really difficult to talk, so they followed Wen Jianing out of the hall and walked into the garden.

"Is everything ready?" Wen Jianing took everyone to the flower hall, looked around, and then asked.

"Miss Wen, don't worry, we have already brought the person in. As soon as Sheng Fenghua appears, the other party will come out."

"Very good!" Wen Jianing was relieved when he heard the person brought in.After a while, she wants to take a good look at how Sheng Fenghua loses face in front of everyone.

Once she loses this face, she won't be able to hang around in the circle in the future.

Wen Jianing and the others did not stay in the garden outside for fear of being discovered.So, after speaking, they separated and went back to the hall first.

Soon it was time, and the elders of the Ning family took the stage to speak.

After the second elder had finished speaking, it was Sheng Fenghua's turn to appear.

When the music started, Sheng Fenghua in an evening dress slowly walked down from the second floor.As the lights shone on her, the eyes of the guests who came to the party also fell on Sheng Fenghua.

At this time, Sheng Fenghua looked so beautiful and noble, as if she was born to stand on this kind of occasion and to be born into such a family.

Those who have always looked down on Sheng Fenghua because of her background are very complicated at this moment.Envious, jealous...

Sheng Fenghua quickly walked down the stairs, came to the front platform, and stood beside the second elder of the Ning family.

"Grandpa, grandma!" Sheng Fenghua yelled sweetly, filling the faces of the elders of the Ning family with joy, then took her hand, walked a few steps forward, and said to everyone: "This is my Ning family. I recognize my granddaughter Sheng Fenghua, please take care of me in the future."

Sheng Fenghua stood beside the second elder, smiling and nodding to everyone.

"Fenghua, say something." Grandma Ning smiled at the generous Sheng Fenghua, feeling extremely satisfied.

Sheng Fenghua nodded, stood in front, and when he was about to speak, a male voice suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute!"

Immediately afterwards, a man walked over the crowd to the front, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said affectionately, "Fenghua, I finally found you."

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared, Sheng Fenghua frowned.She didn't know this man, so how could she suddenly say such a thing?
(End of this chapter)

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