ace warm marriage

Chapter 798 Debunking Lies

Chapter 798 Debunking the Lie ([-])

Wen Jianing was stared at by everyone, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.Mrs. Wen who came with her also felt that her face was dull.

As for Wen Jianing's plan to snatch Si Zhanbei back, and for her taking action against Sheng Fenghua, Mrs. Wen all agreed with it.

But she didn't expect that Wen Jianing's methods were so bad that people would see through them so easily.

"Miss Wen doesn't know what to say, so please tell me." Sheng Fenghua shifted his gaze from Wen Jianing to Huang Yan and the others, his whole body was cold.

These people really think she is a soft persimmon, and they all want to pinch her?
Wen Jianing, can she touch her now, after all, Mrs. Wen is here.Moreover, the Wen family and the Ning family also had some friendship, but Huang Yan and the others were different.At best, they are just some rich second generations, and they are not from this circle at all. It is not easy for her to deal with them.

"Me, us!" Huang Yan's face turned pale, and she stammered seeing so many eyes on her.

"Take them down, and ask them carefully." Sheng Fenghua didn't ask any further questions in front of everyone, but gave orders to the security guards on the side.

"Miss, please!"

Huang Yan and the others were invited out, and Mrs. Wen was too embarrassed to stay longer, so she complained to Mrs. Ning and left with Wen Jianing.

This episode passed quickly, and the banquet continued.After socializing with Sheng Fenghua for a while, Si Zhanbei went to find Ning Ruiyu.

At this time, Huang Yan and the others were locked in a small room by security guards, and Ning Ruiyu was interrogating them.

I don't know if it was because Wen Jianing was not around, or because Ning Ruiyu's aura was too strong, they recruited quickly.

When Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei entered, Huang Yan and the others were confessing.

Sure enough, as Sheng Fenghua expected, it was Wen Jianing who was behind the scenes.

Huang Yan and the others recruited, but Ning Ruiyu didn't make things difficult for them.After asking Sheng Fenghua, he let them go.

It wasn't until they left Ning's house that Huang Yan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.I thought Ning Ruiyu was doing something to them, but I didn't expect to let them go so easily, it's really great.

However, a few people didn't know that they were happy too early.Because, after they left the villa area where Ning's family was located, a black van blocked the way of their car, forced them out of the car, and took them away.

As for that man, Yuan Ming, his fate would not be so good.Sheng Fenghua was never soft on those who wanted to harm him.

Therefore, Yuan Ming was sent to Continent F that day, and went to work as a coolie in the poorest place.

The banquet ended at ten o'clock in the evening. Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei wanted to go back, but the elders of the Ning family stayed behind and said, "Fenghua is already the granddaughter of our Ning family, so we have to stay at home for a few night."

In the end, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei stayed.

Ning Ruiyu was the happiest for the two of them to stay. It had been a long time since he talked and drank alone with Si Zhanbei.

So, as soon as he agreed, he said to Sheng Fenghua: "Sister-in-law three, lend me the third brother."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Sheng Fenghua to agree, and directly dragged Si Zhanbei back to his room.

Sheng Fenghua looked at someone who was reluctant to be pulled away, smiled and shook his head, then walked towards his room.

However, when she was still in her room, Grandma Ning called her and said, "Fenghua, come to Grandpa and Grandma."

(End of this chapter)

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