ace warm marriage

Chapter 804 Turning against each other

Chapter 804 Turning against each other ([-])

"Girl, you go back, you are not afraid of the shadow." The master waved his hand and sent Wen Jianing away.

Wen Jianing was so angry that she wanted to find the master again, but the master had already seen her.

There was no other way, Wen Jianing had no choice but to leave the temple and drive back.

Unable to solve the problem, Wen Jianing became even more lethargic, and kept distracted while driving the car.When going down the mountain, he lost his mind for a moment, and directly hit the side of the mountain wall, knocking the car off.

The car was hit, and Wen Jianing had no choice but to get out of the car first, and stood aside, waiting for other vehicles to pass by.Fortunately, she was not driving fast before. Although she was hit on the head, it was not serious, only a little bit of skin was scratched.

She stood alone on the side of the road, looking around, but she didn't know what was going on, and she didn't wait for a car for a long time.

Wen Jianing had no choice but to call for help.

The first person she thought of was Wuqing, but when she made a call, the phone was still shut down.In the past few days, Wen Jianing has made countless calls to Wuqing, but all of them turned off the phone, which made her heart sink and become colder and colder.

Seeing that Wu Qing didn't despise her that day, she thought that the other party really cared about her and felt pity for her.But he didn't expect that he was a scum just like other men.

I was angry, but the car broke down, and Wen Jianing had no choice but to call Huang Yan.For a long time, Huang Yan has been her loyal fan, her hard-core follower, every time she only needs a phone call, the other party will come over.

The phone was connected, but Huang Yan's tone was a little cold, and she asked, "Miss Wen, what do you want?"

"Huang Yan, I'm in Huangsha Temple, and something happened right now. My car was crashed, and I was injured a little bit. Come and pick me up."

"Miss Wen, I'm sorry, I'm out of town now, so I may not be able to pick you up, why don't you find someone else."

After speaking, Huang Yan hung up the phone directly.

Wen Jianing looked at the hung up phone, his face darkened.How long has it been since Huang Yan dared to flirt with her and hang up on her phone? Isn't that courageous?

It seemed that they didn't want to hang out with her anymore.

Wen Jianing thought angrily, and called several other people.But those people's excuses are almost the same, that is, they are out of town, not in city B, and there is no way to pick her up, so let her find another way.

She made five phone calls in a row, but got the same result, Wen Jianing was so angry.

What can I do if I am angry?No one came to pick her up, so she could only wait there.Time passed little by little, Wen Jianing waited for another half an hour, but still did not see a car.

After waiting for more than an hour, I couldn't help feeling anxious.This is on the mountain, she can't wait forever.

Therefore, Wen Jianing decided to go ahead and see if he could meet a passing car.

Wen Jianing stepped on a pair of high heels and began to walk on the mountain road. After walking for about 10 minutes, she couldn't walk anymore, so she stopped and rubbed her sore feet, and then looked at the mountain road ahead eagerly. .

Looking at it, Wen Jianing was overjoyed by the sound of a car coming from his ear, so he immediately ran to the middle of the mountain road, holding his shoes and waving his hands.

The car stopped in front of Wen Jianing, and then two young men got off, dragging Wen Jianing to his car without saying a word.

Wen Jianing was startled, and immediately struggled.But she belongs to a girl's family, how can she be the opponent of two men?

(End of this chapter)

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