ace warm marriage

Chapter 822 Wen Family Bankruptcy

Chapter 822 Wen Family Bankruptcy ([-])

It wasn't just the Si family who were worried about Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua. The Ning family were also very worried. They had asked them over and over again.

However, the Si family had no news, so how could they tell them the news?
Mrs. Ning failed to ask about Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, so she couldn't help muttering to Mr. Ning: "Where did this Fenghua and Zhanbei go? Why have there been no news after so many days?" ?”

"Who knows?" Mr. Ning also looked worried. The two of them seemed to have disappeared, neither alive nor dead.

"I'm really worried. The situation in Zhanbei was so dangerous that day, and although Fenghua has excellent medical skills, but when you think about it carefully, there was really nothing around her that day."

"What's the use of saying this now? The only thing we can do now is to believe in Fenghua. I believe she won't make fun of Zhan Bei's life. I think Fenghua took Zhan Bei to leave, probably because of the reason you said."

"By the way, speaking of Fenghua, how are her parents doing now?"

Before the incident happened suddenly, no one cared about Sheng Fenghua's parents.It was only later that the Ning family remembered and sent someone to bring them back.

Originally, the Ning family wanted to send Father Sheng and Mother Sheng back to the countryside, but Mother Sheng was unwilling.The Ning family had no choice but to keep them temporarily, thinking about waiting for Sheng Fenghua to come back.

But he didn't think that Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei had been away for so many days.

"It's still the same, every day I quarrel to see Fenghua." Speaking of Sheng Fenghua's parents, Mrs. Ning had a headache.She thought that if she could raise a daughter like Sheng Fenghua, her parents would not be so bad.

Who ever thought that Sheng's father and mother had nothing in common with Sheng Fenghua.No matter how you behave or how you look.

She even wondered if Sheng Fenghua was their daughter.

"Well, if Fenghua doesn't come back, then the two of them probably won't stop."

"Let people watch them, don't hold back Fenghua."

"You don't need to order this, I have already asked people to watch them."

When everyone was worried about Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei, they stayed in the space and never came out.

After several days of recuperation, Si Zhanbei had already woken up, and the wounds on his body were slowly healing.However, because he was seriously injured, he couldn't get out of bed for the time being.

Sheng Fenghua has been taking good care of Si Zhanbei these days, cooking porridge for him every day.Fortunately, there is a kitchen in the space, and there are some things to eat.

In order to make Si Zhanbei get better as soon as possible, Sheng Fenghua went down to the pool to catch fish every day and cooked fish soup for Si Zhanbei to drink.

Not to mention, Si Zhanbei's complexion changed after drinking fish soup for a few days.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei was getting better, Sheng Fenghua felt relieved.

"Wife, where is this?"

One day, after drinking the fish soup, Si Zhanbei finally couldn't help asking.From the moment he opened his eyes, he realized that this place was different from other places, it didn't look like a hospital.

However, he never asked.

"Guess?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei with a smile, his expression looked a little mysterious.

"Your space!" Si Zhanbei thought for a while and spit out four words.

"The guess is accurate." Sheng Fenghua leaned over and kissed Si Zhanbei on the lips.After the kiss, Sheng Fenghua wanted to evacuate.

Unexpectedly, Si Zhanbei's hand was quicker and directly hooked her head, preventing her from leaving.

Si Zhanbei wanted to keep Sheng Fenghua, but he forgot that he was injured.Accidentally touched my heart, and let out a cry of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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