ace warm marriage

Chapter 833 Fenghua Doubt

Chapter 833 Fenghua Doubt ([-])
Pulling Sheng Fenghua aside, she accused: "You prodigal girl, you spent so much money for a meal. Even if you don't save some money, you can spend this money on us. 500 yuan, in the countryside It could take months."

Mother Sheng's voice was a little loud, and everyone in the lobby could hear it clearly.Si Zhanbei saw that Sheng's mother was scolding his little wife again, and his face darkened.

He walked up to Sheng's mother in a few steps and said to her: "Mom, I earned the money, and I can spend it as I like."

"Zhan, Zhanbei!" Sheng's mother looked up at Si Zhanbei, and when she saw his darkened face, she became a little embarrassed.

Si Zhanbei glanced at her lightly, stepped forward and put his arms around Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Dad, Mom, you have been here for a long time, I will send you back tomorrow."

"Okay!" Father Sheng had no objection, he wanted to go back a long time ago.On the other hand, when Mother Sheng heard that Si Zhanbei was going to send them back, she quit, regardless of whether she was outside or not, and said loudly, "No, we can't go back like this."

"Mom, go back and talk if you have anything to say." Sheng Fenghua's expression darkened when he heard that Sheng's mother was about to make trouble again, and he gave her a cold look before walking towards the door first.

She doesn't want to argue with Sheng's mother here, nor does she want to argue with her here.

"Second girl, wait!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua ignoring her, Sheng's mother turned ugly, and chased her out.

After leaving the restaurant, Sheng Fenghua stood aside and waited, while Si Zhanbei went to drive.Sheng's father and Sheng's mother came out afterwards, seeing that Si Zhanbei was not in front of him, Sheng's mother couldn't help but scolded, saying: "Second girl, you are married to a rich man, even we look down on you Is it right?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at Sheng's mother, but did not speak.

At this time, Mother Sheng spoke again and said, "Don't forget, who raised you."

"I haven't forgotten!" Sheng Fenghua said lightly, thinking about the life he lived in Sheng's family before, he felt a little bad, and said: "I remember clearly how you treated me back then."

"You, what do you mean?" Sheng's mother became uneasy when she heard this.How could she hear the smell of resentment from Sheng Fenghua's words.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help remembering how she treated Sheng Fenghua before, and couldn't help feeling guilty.

"What do you mean?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Sheng's mother, and asked slowly: "I want to ask Mom, am I your own?"

As soon as these words came out, Sheng's mother became more and more guilty.Her eyes wandered, not daring to meet Sheng Fenghua's gaze.

However, soon she looked directly at Sheng Fenghua, pretended to be sad, and said, "Second girl, you have someone to support you now, and your wings are stiff, so you don't even recognize your mother?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at Sheng's mother indifferently, seeing her guilty conscience in his eyes, his heart sank slightly, and he became more and more sure that there was something wrong with his life experience.

Coupled with Sheng's mother's pretentiousness this time, she felt a little more certain in her heart.

Sheng Fenghua looked directly at Sheng's mother, with a hint of oppression in his eyes, which made Sheng's mother feel more guilty, and looked away again.

"Mom, you just need to tell me, yes or no." Sheng Fenghua's voice was a little cold, and he spit out a sentence word by word.

However, Sheng Fenghua avoided Sheng Fenghua's question again, but turned to look at Sheng's father, cried, and said, "Husband, look at the second girl, I pulled her shit and piss since I was a child." Big. After she got married and lived a good life, she didn't even want to recognize her own mother."

(End of this chapter)

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