ace warm marriage

Chapter 835 Fenghua Doubt

Chapter 835 Fenghua Doubt ([-])
"You ask me, who should I ask?" Father Sheng looked annoyed.I don't know why, but when he heard that Sheng Fenghua was going back with them, he always felt a little uneasy.But I can't refuse.

"Husband, do you think this girl has discovered something?" Mother Sheng felt uneasy when she thought of what Sheng Fenghua had asked her before.

She was really worried that if Sheng Fenghua found out that secret, it would be over.

"Keep your voice down!" Father Sheng glared at his wife and said, "Go back to the room and talk."

As he spoke, he went back to his room.Sheng's mother followed behind, also entered the room, and then closed the door.

"Be careful what you say in the future, this second girl has indeed become a little different from before." After returning to the room, Sheng's father immediately told Sheng's mother.

It is said that Shibai three days, you should look at each other with admiration.Once Sheng Fenghua got married like this, he became smarter.

"You also found out." Sheng's mother seemed to have found a bosom friend, her eyes lit up, and said: "I found out at the beginning, and you didn't believe it before."

"I don't know what she's planning to go back with us this time."

"No matter what her idea is, let's be careful in the future, so that she won't see it."

"Do you still need to say that? I still want to enjoy this girl's favor and enjoy a few more years of happiness."

"It's good to know."

Here, Father Sheng and Mother Sheng are talking about Sheng Fenghua.In the next room, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua were also talking.

"Daughter-in-law, why do you want to go back all of a sudden?" Si Zhanbei looked at his little wife, wondering why she suddenly wanted to go back to her mother's house.

But then again, she has been married to herself for more than a year.They have never been back to their mother's house, and they should go back.

However, Si Zhanbei was really worried about letting her go back alone.Not to mention that Sheng's father and Sheng's mother didn't like Sheng Fenghua very much, and the elder sister and younger brother in the family also treated her badly.He was worried that Sheng Fenghua would be bullied when he went back.

"Zhan Bei, I have something to tell you." Sheng Fenghua's expression was a little serious, and Si Zhanbei's expression also became serious, and he said, "What's the matter?"

"Zhan Bei, you also know that my parents' attitude towards me is completely different from that of my elder sister and younger brother at home."

"I know. Your parents are very partial and don't want to see you."

"I used to think they were just partial, and I never thought about it. But now that I think about it, something is wrong. I think they are probably not my biological parents."

"Could it be that you think too much?"

"I used to think that I was thinking too much, but I just tried it out and found some clues."

"So, you plan to go back with them and inquire in the village?"


Si Zhanbei was silent, and after a while he looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Daughter-in-law, I originally planned to go back to school to report. However, I don't worry about you going back with them alone, why don't I take them home with you tomorrow. "

"No, I can go alone. You'd better go back to school, so as not to delay your studies."

"I don't trust you."

"There's nothing to worry about. It's not like you don't know my skills."

"Daughter-in-law, but I'm still worried."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Besides, I won't stay there too long. No matter whether I can find out the news or not, I will come back in ten days."

"Daughter-in-law, it will take two days to go back and forth by train. Don't rush too much. If you are too tired, I will feel bad."

"Okay, then I'll figure it out then." Sheng Fenghua stepped forward and hugged Si Zhanbei, she knew he had agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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