ace warm marriage

Chapter 849 Sister and Brother Talk

Chapter 849 Sister and Brother Conversation ([-])

"Later, later..." When the old grandma was about to tell Sheng Fenghua, a man came over and said, "Grandma, why did you bring the cow out so early? The sun is still bright."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Seeing her eldest grandson, the grandmother had long forgotten the question Sheng Fenghua asked her before, and then walked forward with the cow.

Seeing that there was one more person beside him, Sheng Fenghua didn't want to ask, so he had to follow behind the old lady, planning to have a good chat with the old lady after she let the cows graze.

The old grandma's grandson, seeing Sheng Fenghua following them, couldn't help but asked, "Grandma, who is the girl behind her? She looks pretty, why haven't I seen it before?"

"She's Xiaoye, a girl from the city, of course you haven't seen her before." The old grandma rolled her eyes at her grandson and said.

"Xiaoye, are you still a girl from the city? Grandma, when did you meet, why didn't I know?"

"Nonsense, just now, I just met."

Sheng Fenghua, who was walking behind them, was a little dumbfounded after hearing what the old lady said.It seems that the old lady is getting old and her mind is a little confused.

The old grandma's grandson glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said hello, "Miss Ye!"

"My surname is Sheng, Sheng Fenghua." Sheng Fenghua said lightly, which made the old grandma's grandson a little embarrassed, and then apologized to her: "Miss Sheng, I'm really sorry, my grandma is getting old and a little confused."

"Stinky boy, who do you think is confused?" The old woman was upset, pointing at her grandson with a bullwhip.

"I, I'm confused, okay." The grandson of the grandma, seeing his grandma getting angry, immediately coaxed him.

Fortunately, the old grandma was not really angry, and was quickly coaxed.

Sheng Fenghua followed their grandparents and grandchildren all the way, watching them lead the cattle to graze on the river dam aside, and only then had the opportunity to chat with them again.

Sheng Fenghua really wanted to know about the 'Xiaoye' that the old lady was talking about, but after arriving at the dam, no matter how Sheng Fenghua guided her or asked her, the old lady never mentioned Xiaoye again.

Not only that, but the old lady became interested in her, asking how old she was for a while, and whether she was married or not.

In the end, she actually sold her grandson to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua told the grandmother that he was married.No, the old grandma said to her directly, "What are you afraid of getting married, you can leave after you get married."

After hearing this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't laugh or cry again.But she has a thick skin, so it's nothing.But the grandmother's grandson couldn't do it, his whole face was flushed, and he couldn't stay any longer and walked away.

Seeing her grandson walk away shyly, the old grandma became a little unhappy, and said: "Nothing!"

After talking about her grandson, the old lady lobbied Sheng Fenghua again, saying: "Xiao Sheng, I like you very much. It looks very kind. If you think about it carefully, you can marry my grandson."

"Grandma, I'm married."

"You can leave when you get married, I don't mind."

Sheng Fenghua was speechless, and immediately changed the subject, and asked about the old grandma again.Obviously, this old lady is also an insider.

But her mind was a little confused, and it was not easy to know the truth of the matter from her mouth.

After chatting for a while, the old lady talked a lot about the past, but she still didn't mention the woman named 'Xiaoye', which made Sheng Fenghua very frustrated.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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