ace warm marriage

Chapter 853 Sister and Brother Talk

Chapter 853 Sister and Brother Conversation ([-])

"Where are you fooling around at this late night? Don't forget, you are a family man, don't think about fooling around all day long."

As soon as Sheng Fenghua entered the yard, Sheng's mother's unpleasant words reached her ears, making her face darken, and said: "Mom, I don't want to quarrel with you, and I'm not the same Sheng Fenghua I used to be. You'd better pay attention to what you say in the future. If you don't want me to stay at home longer, then I will leave tomorrow. "

"Why, I'm your mother, what's the matter with you? Don't you look at it, is there a woman wandering around outside this late at night?"

Sheng's mother was upset, and she acted like she was right.

Sheng Fenghua looked at her coldly, and said, "Although you are my mother, the married daughter spilled water. It's not your business to care about me."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua went into the room without looking back.

Dabao then came in, heard the quarrel in the yard, glanced at his mother, and said, "Mom, you should take care of my sister's affairs from now on."

"What do you mean?" Mother Sheng looked at her son in shock, this was the first time she heard her son defend Sheng Fenghua.

In the past, his son had always taken pleasure in bullying Sheng Fenghua, and every time she was a little more aggressive towards Sheng Fenghua, he would be happier.But what happened today, is the sun coming out from the west?
This son, who took pleasure in bullying Sheng Fenghua, even spoke for Sheng Fenghua.

"Mom, no matter what, my sister is already married. If you say that, her brother-in-law will be upset if she hears about it."

"Okay, you all turn to her, and I'm the only one who is a villain, right?" Sheng's mother became more and more angry. The husband is like this, and these days, he has been speaking positively and secretly for Sheng Fenghua.Now that her son is like this again, Sheng's mother feels that all her hard work and good intentions have been wasted.

She felt that neither her husband nor her son understood her, and she felt that what she did was for the good of the family.

"Mom, why do you think so?" Dabao was also a little speechless to Sheng's mother. Although he was spoiled since he was a child, he is not a person who doesn't know right from wrong.

She had a bad attitude towards Sheng Fenghua before, it was because of her habit since she was a child.But now, he found that Sheng Fenghua had changed, she was no longer the sister who he bullied.

He is a person who knows the current affairs, or a bullying person.Sheng Fenghua was weak in the past, so he naturally had no scruples and bullied him as he wished.

But it's different now, not only is Sheng Fenghua no longer weak, but he has become stronger, and he is cowardly.In addition, Sheng Fenghua's husband, his brother-in-law is a soldier, Dabao is even more afraid.

"Then what do you make me think?" Mother Sheng stared at Dabao and asked.Can this blame her for thinking too much?It's the truth okay.

Before, Father Sheng and her were of the same mind, especially when it came to dealing with Sheng Fenghua, almost everything she said was what she said.

But at some point, Father Sheng's attitude towards Sheng Fenghua changed.He no longer listened to her, and became protective of Sheng Fenghua everywhere.

Now, the same is true for her son. She loves and pampers her son when he grows up. She used to listen to him and bully Sheng Fenghua as much as possible, but now she has started to defend Sheng Fenghua, which made her feel a little chilled and sad.

"Okay, mom, it's getting late, you should go take a shower and rest early. Do you have to get up early to work tomorrow?" Dabao didn't want to argue with Sheng's mother, urged Sheng's mother to go to bed early, and then went back to the living room to watch TV.

Back in the living room, Dabao watched TV for a while, and suddenly felt bored, then turned around and knocked on Sheng Fenghua's door.

(End of this chapter)

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