ace warm marriage

Chapter 859 With Clues

Chapter 859 With Clues ([-])

"I don't want to go!" Sheng Fenghua shook her head, she still has things to do today.How can I go to the market to watch the fun?

Moreover, it took an hour to go to Jishang on the mountain road, and she really didn't want to go.

"Okay, then I'll go by myself. Is there anything you want to eat or buy, and I'll bring it back for you?"

"No need, just go and play by yourself." Sheng Fenghua refused with a smile. Although the big treasure is not so annoying anymore, she still can't achieve the affection between sister and brother.

"Then I'm leaving." Dabao was a little disappointed, and left alone without saying anything.

After Dabao left like this, Sheng Fenghua was the only one left in the family, and Dani and the others went back to their home after eating early in the morning.

Everyone in the family left, Sheng Fenghua didn't stay too long, locked the door and went to the old grandmother's house.

At the end of the village where the grandmother lives, she is one of the few people with a foreign surname in Shengjia Village.

Sheng Fenghua carried his things and came to the end of the village. After asking around, he was able to find out where the old lady lived.

At the door of the old grandma's house, Sheng Fenghua knocked on the door first, but no one responded, and then he shouted loudly: "Is Grandma Wu at home?"

She yelled several times in a row before she came out of the house and walked to the gate of the courtyard and asked, "Who is it!"

"It's me, Sheng Fenghua." Sheng Fenghua reported his name, and the door was opened immediately, it was Grandma Wu herself.

"It's your girl." Grandma Wu was a little surprised when she saw Sheng Fenghua, but she still welcomed her in with a smile.

Sheng Fenghua followed Grandma Wu into the house, and then put the gift in his hand on the table.

Looking at this thing, Grandma Wu said with a smile: "You girl, come here as soon as you come, what gift do you bring with you. When you go back later, remember to take it away."

Sheng Fenghua smiled, but did not speak.

Grandma Wu poured Sheng Fenghua a glass of water, then sat down opposite her, and asked, "Girl, do you need me?"

"Grandma Wu's eyes are bright, I really need you for something." Sheng Fenghua gave Grandma Wu a thumbs up and praised her.

"Tell me, what's the matter." Hearing Sheng Fenghua's praise, the smile on Grandma Wu's face became wider and wider, turning into a flower.

"Grandma Wu, it's like this. I want to ask you about Xiaoye." Sheng Fenghua directly explained the reason for her visit, because she could see that Grandma Wu's mind is clearer today.

"Xiaoye?" Grandma Wu was taken aback, looked at Sheng Fenghua, and asked, "Girl, why are you asking this?"

Sheng Fenghua laughed, and said sincerely: "Grandma Wu, didn't you mistook me for Xiaoye yesterday? So, I think, I should look more like that Xiaoye. Otherwise, Grandma Wu would not admit it wrong , so I'm a little curious about that leaflet."

"Just curious?" Grandma Wu obviously didn't believe Sheng Fenghua's words. If she was just curious, Sheng Fenghua would not have made the trip in person.

Although she is old, she is not old-fashioned.Yesterday afternoon, Sheng Fenghua kept talking to her, and wanted to ask some things about Xiaoye from time to time, but she fooled her.

I thought she would get out of trouble.But I didn't want to, she came again today.

At this time, Grandma Wu was a little regretful, regretting that she should have been excited yesterday and called the wrong person.Otherwise, there would be no such trouble.

To be honest, the matter of Xiaoye is a taboo in the entire Shengjia Village, almost no one mentions it, and no one dares to mention it.

Facing Grandma Wu's insightful gaze, Sheng Fenghua wanted to nod at first, but he couldn't.

(End of this chapter)

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