ace warm marriage

Chapter 866 That's a Birthmark

Chapter 866 That's a Birthmark ([-])

"Daqin, that's fine, stop dreaming. If your mother doesn't agree, you won't be able to be a soldier in your life. If you really want to go, then do your mother's work first and get her to agree." Gangzi stretched out his hand He patted Da Qin on the shoulder and comforted him.

As friends, they all knew that Daqin wanted to be a soldier, but Daqin's family disagreed, so there was nothing he could do.

"I know, didn't you hear that Sister Sheng's husband is a soldier, didn't you feel emotional for a while?"

"Okay, don't be emotional. According to me, instead of thinking about this every day, you might as well think about how to make more money."

"I want to make money, too. But as you can see, our town is only so big. Apart from doing a job for others, we can make some money, but we don't know anything else."

"Besides, helper, others still dislike us for not doing well."

"I have an idea." Dabao looked at several partners and said.

"What do you think?" Everyone's eyes turned to Dabao together, even Sheng Fenghua was also looking at Dabao.However, she already roughly knew what Dabao wanted to say.

Sure enough, Dabao said, "How about we go out to work?"

"Part-time job?" Several people were taken aback, some of them couldn't react.They are all young people aged [-] or [-], who have nothing to do at home all day long, but they have never thought of going out to work.

As for part-time jobs, they have also heard it from others. It seems that there are people in the next town who go to work part-time, and they have heard that they have made a lot of money.

Therefore, most of the young people in the next town went out.There are only young people in their town who have been hiding at home because they have no connections.

"Yes, part-time job!" Dabao nodded.This is the first time he mentioned this idea to his partners.

"Even if we go to work, we don't have anyone to take care of us." Xiao Lin was a little moved, and raised his concerns.

Kobayashi's words silenced everyone again.However, soon Gangzi looked up at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Who said that we have no one to take care of us? Didn't Sister Sheng marry outside? We can go out with Sister Sheng."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this." Xiao Lin's eyes lit up, looking at Sheng Fenghua.

"Sister Sheng, do you think anyone will want us when we go out to work?" Da Qin also looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked.If she could take them out to work and earn money, that would be a way.

They are all so big, they can't stay at home all the time.

Sheng Fenghua didn't speak, but glanced at the guilty Dabao.She didn't know whether Dabao did it unintentionally or on purpose.

However, she really never thought about taking people out.Even Dabao, she has been hesitating.But now, there are a few more people, which makes Sheng Fenghua a little unhappy.

"Sister Sheng, if it's inconvenient, then just pretend we didn't say it." Daqin was a child with a clear mind, and Sheng Fenghua didn't speak for a long time. He already understood that they made her difficult, so he immediately gave her a step up.

Hearing Da Qin's words, Sheng Fenghua admired him somewhat.The unhappiness in my heart also faded a lot, and said: "Going out to work is not as good as you think. Although you can make money, you have to endure hardship. Can you endure hardship?"

It's not that Sheng Fenghua doesn't believe these few, it can be seen that these are all baby bumps in the family.Even if the level of baby is not as exaggerated as Dabao, it should not be so bad.

It is said that things of a kind flock together, and people are divided into groups.Those who are with Dabao are all from the same passer-by.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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