ace warm marriage

Chapter 877 Relics in the Mountains

Chapter 877 Relics in the Mountains ([-])

"Have you ever looked for my mother?" Sheng Fenghua was a little surprised. She just guessed that this lunatic Yu should love her mother, but she didn't expect that he actually looked for her.

"What do you think?" Crazy Yu looked at Sheng Fenghua, pointed to his head, and said, "Otherwise, why do you think I'm crazy? I'm crazy because I can't find her."

"You mean, my mother didn't die, she just left?"

"Of course, how could your mother die, that man won't let her die." Speaking of this, a flash of resentment flashed in Crazy Yu's eyes.How could Xiaoye die? Xiaoye had no choice but to leave.

If it wasn't for that man, Xiaoye wouldn't have left at all.It's all the fault of that man, it's all his fault.

"A man?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, looked at Madman Yu, and wondered if that man could be his father?

However, Crazy Yu didn't want to talk about men anymore, but looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "I'm in a bad mood today, come back another day."

Sheng Fenghua was a little disappointed, looked at Crazy Yu, and said seriously: "Crazy Yu, I'm a doctor, if you don't want to go on like this forever, then I can help you."

"Help me, how can you help me?" Crazy Yu laughed at himself and said, "Unless you can bring Xiaoye back, I'd rather be so crazy for the rest of my life."

Sheng Fenghua took a deep look at Crazy Yu and said, "You can think about it, whether to be a normal person or a lunatic, you decide for yourself. If my mother is still alive, if she knows you are like this, I miss her It will definitely be disturbing.”

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua got up and left directly.

As soon as the door opened, Sheng Fenghua saw Dabao and the others who looked at him worriedly, and couldn't help but feel warm.The displeasure originally caused by Crazy Yu's temporary repentance gradually faded away.

It's hard work!

Sheng Fenghua comforted herself so much. Although she didn't know what kind of person her mother was, today's trip to the town made her [-]% sure that she was not a child of the Sheng family. Parents of other people.

Now, she is only interested in her mother, as for her father, she has never thought about it.In her subconscious mind, she felt that he was an irresponsible man, otherwise how could she let a woman, and she was pregnant, come to live in the countryside alone.

She has not forgotten, Grandma Wu said, Xiaoye is a woman from the city.

A woman in the city does not stay in the city, but comes to the countryside where the conditions are difficult. There is only one possibility, that is, there is danger in the city, so she has to hide in the countryside.

As for why Xiaoye wanted to leave later and gave herself to someone else, Sheng Fenghua still couldn't figure out the Guan Jian inside.Unless someone told her what happened at that time.

Moreover, Sheng Fenghua had a hunch that what happened at that time was probably related to the taboo that the people in the village said.

"Second Sister, are you okay?" Dabao saw that Sheng Fenghua was in a bad mood, and couldn't help but become concerned.Although he suspected that Sheng Fenghua might not be his own sister, for some reason, he didn't want them to become unfamiliar.

"It's okay!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, and then said, "Let's go, let's go back first."

"Then this lunatic?" Da Qin couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry about him, his madness is cured for the time being." Sheng Fenghua explained lightly, and left with the medicine box.

(End of this chapter)

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