ace warm marriage

Chapter 879 Birth Mother’s Diary

Chapter 879 Birth Mother's Diary ([-])

Crazy Yu brought Sheng Fenghua to the big rock, and said to Sheng Fenghua, "There is a box under here, which belongs to your mother."

After speaking, he bent down to move the stone away.

"Uncle Yu, let me come!" Sheng Fenghua stepped forward and moved the stone away with Crazy Yu.

Crazy Yu took out the box, then handed the key to Sheng Fenghua, and said, "This is the key." Sheng Fenghua took the key and opened the box, took a look at the clothes inside, and took out the notebook.

She glanced at the notebook, saw a small lock, and was about to ask Crazy Yu if he had the key, but Crazy Yu spoke first, and said, "I have never opened this notebook, and I don't have the key, you can figure it out yourself."

Sheng Fenghua nodded, then took out a silver needle from his body, bent it, and fiddled with the lock.Crazy Yu watched Sheng Fenghua's movements, his eyes flickered.

He didn't expect that there was a silver needle hidden in Sheng Fenghua's head.He was thinking, if he had hidden bad intentions before, would this silver needle stick on his body.

However, such a thing did not happen, so he did not have the opportunity to taste the feeling of being pricked by the silver needle again.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know what Crazy Yu was thinking. At this moment, she was concentrating on opening the lock.Fortunately, although the lock is exquisitely made, it is not difficult to open.

She opened it in a few clicks.

After opening the lock, Sheng Fenghua couldn't wait to open the diary.As soon as the book was opened, a photo fell out.

Sheng Fenghua bent down to pick up the photo that had fallen on the floor, and after looking at it, he was stunned.

The photo shows a man and a woman. The woman looks very similar to me. If it weren't for the different clothes on her body and the two braids on her hair, no one would be able to tell the difference between the two.

However, it wasn't the woman in the photo that surprised Sheng Fenghua, but the man standing beside her with his arms around her waist.

This person, she knows, and is still very familiar with, this is clearly the young version of Grandpa Ning.

When Grandpa Ning was young, how could he be with Xiaoye, that is, his mother?
Sheng Fenghua's mind was a little confused, shocked, unbelievable, and he still had some inexplicable feelings.

Could it be that she is Grandpa Ning's daughter?

As soon as this idea appeared in Sheng Fenghua's mind, she was quickly rejected by her.Because she knew Grandpa Ning, and Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning were very affectionate, so it was impossible for him to do anything to offend Grandma Ning.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua took another serious look at the man in the photo.

wait, no!
Although the man in this photo looks like Grandpa Ning, if you look closely, he still somewhat resembles Grandma Ning.

Sheng Fenghua was puzzled, looking at the man in the photo for a while, he couldn't regain his senses.Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning only have two sons, and she has seen them both, they are not the ones in the photo at all.

So, now a question arises, that is, who are the people who look like Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning in this photo?

While Sheng Fenghua was staring at the photo in a daze, Crazy Yu also saw the photo.When he saw the man in the photo, his expression changed instantly. He snatched the photo with a stretch of his hand, and then with a move of both hands, he was about to tear up the photo.

"Uncle Yu, what are you doing?" Sheng Fenghua didn't notice that the photo was robbed for a while, and then he came back to his senses.But as soon as she regained consciousness, she saw that Crazy Yu was going to tear up the photo, so she immediately spoke out.

This is probably the only photo left by her mother, how can Crazy Yu tear it up?
 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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