ace warm marriage

Chapter 893 Ready to leave

Chapter 893 Ready to Leave ([-])

After kissing fiercely for a while, Sheng's mother put down the money, and then began to count how much money she had. 2 yuan, no more, no less.

With the money in hand, Sheng's mother finally felt at ease.The dissatisfaction with Sheng Fenghua in my heart also dissipated a lot.

Sheng's father then came in, looked at the money in Sheng's mother's hand, and said: "Give me the money, I will find someone to measure the ground tomorrow."

Sheng's mother glanced at Sheng's mother, and then said: "No, I can't give you this money."

"The house won't be built anymore?" Father Sheng asked angrily.

"Of course it has to be built, but the money is for me."

"You?" Sheng's father glared at Sheng's mother, and said: "You have that temper, if this money enters your pocket, it will be difficult to get it out again."

"That can't be given to you either."

"Okay, then this house will not be built, you can live with the money." Father Sheng got angry, turned around and left angrily.

Sheng's mother saw that Sheng's father was angry and left, but she didn't care, and went back to the house with the money.

Back in the room, Mother Sheng hid the money.

Besides, Sheng Fenghua and Dabao didn't go to town immediately after they left home.Instead, he stopped when passing Daqin's house.

"Dabao, go and see if Daqin is at home? We have to tell them when we leave." Sheng Fenghua turned his head and told Dabao.Before, she said that she would take Daqin and the others to go together. No matter whether they go or not, she is leaving early now, so she has to say something.

"Okay, I'll go find him right away." Dabao said while putting his luggage at Sheng Fenghua's feet, and then rushed to Daqin's house.

It was just after lunch, Daqin and his parents were at home, and he was sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Da Qin, is Da Qin at home?" Da Bao yelled as soon as he entered the courtyard of Da Qin's house.Daqin, who was watching TV, heard Dabao's voice, immediately came out and asked, "Dabao, what's the matter?"

"Daqin, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"What do you mean?" Da Qin was taken aback and asked.

"Daqin, my second sister and I are leaving, so I came here to tell you."

"I'm leaving, why so fast?" Da Qin looked at Da Bao with a puzzled expression. Sheng Fenghua gave them three days before, but now it's only two days. Even if they have to leave, it will be two days later.Why did you leave today?Could it be that something happened?
Thinking of this, Daqin immediately asked: "Did something happen to Jiabao? Otherwise, why would your sister leave so soon?"

"Something happened, and I don't know how to tell you." Dabao sighed, and didn't want to tell Daqin what happened at home.

"By the way, Daqin, do you want to go with us?" Dabao asked.

"I think so, but I haven't told my parents yet."

"What should I do?"

Da Qin thought for a while, and then said to Da Bao, "Wait for me a while."

After speaking, Da Qin entered the living room.

Seeing her son coming in alone, Daqin's mother couldn't help asking: "Who came just now? Is it Jiabao? Why didn't you let him in?"

Da Qin didn't answer what his mother said, but looked at the two of them and said, "Dad, Mom, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Daqin's father looked at Daqin and asked.

"Dad, it's like this. I want to go out to work with Jiabao's sister."

"What did you say?" Da Qin's parents looked at their son in shock. They never knew that their son had such thoughts.

"I said that I would go out to work with Jiabao's sister to earn money." Daqin repeated that before he wanted to be a soldier, his mother disagreed, but this time he wanted to go out to work to earn money, and he hoped that his parents would agree.

(End of this chapter)

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