ace warm marriage

Chapter 896 Ready to leave

Chapter 896 Ready to Leave ([-])

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua agreed, Dabao left Daqin's house and quickly went to Gangzi's house.

Just like Daqin, Gangzi was surprised when he heard that Sheng Fenghua was leaving now.However, fortunately, he had mentioned this matter with his parents before, and the two of them had already made up their minds.

So when Gangzi said that he was going to leave immediately, although they were surprised, they were not surprised.

However, Gangzi's parents still asked Dabao a few words.Dabao also briefly explained to them, and then told Gangzi to go directly to Daqin's house in a while, while he himself went to Xiaolin's house.

On Xiaolin's side, it's easier to talk.As soon as Dabao said to leave immediately, Xiaolin directly carried out the burden.

Seeing Xiao Lin who had been prepared for a long time, Dabao was a little surprised, and asked, "Xiao Lin, are you a god? How did you know that we were leaving today, and even packed our things?"

Xiao Lin smiled and said, "I'm not a god. I packed up my things because I thought I'd be leaving in a few days, so I packed up first."

"You are so sure that you can go, don't you worry that your parents won't let you go?"

"I told them in advance, and they were unwilling at first, but later they agreed." Xiao Lin replied with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to the parents who sent him out and said, "Dad, Mom, don't send him off. We will follow Jiabao's sister and everything will be fine. I will write to you again when we get to the place."

However, Xiao Lin's parents did not go back, but followed him all the time, and followed him to Da Qin's house.

Gangzi waited at Daqin's house first, and when he saw Xiaolin coming, he went up to say hello.

Sheng Fenghua saw that they were all here, and when he was about to call everyone to leave together, his phone rang.Sheng Fenghua saw that it was an unfamiliar number.She asked everyone to wait and said to answer the phone.

Sheng Fenghua walked aside and connected the phone.

Dean Liu from the town on the phone called and asked where Sheng Fenghua was now, saying that there was a patient with a special condition, and he wanted to ask her to take a look.

Sheng Fenghua thought that he would go to town soon, so he agreed directly.

After hanging up the phone, she walked towards Dabao and the others, only to find that Xiaolin's parents had also come.

Sheng Fenghua greeted Xiao Lin's parents and said a few more words to them before leaving with Dabao and the others.

A group of five elements left the village with salutes on their backs and headed for the town.

An hour later, we arrived in town.Sheng Fenghua took everyone to live in the only guest house in the town, told them not to run around, and then contacted Dean Liu to see the patient.

Seeing that Sheng Fenghua was about to go out, they were a little worried and said they wanted to accompany her.In the end, there was no other way, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to take them along, but he warned them again and again not to talk nonsense, no matter what she did, don't ask too much.

They agreed and followed Sheng Fenghua to the hospital in the town.

Dean Liu was already waiting for her in the hospital. Seeing that she came here not only by herself, but also with a few young men, he was a little surprised and asked, "Who are they?"

"They are young people from Shengjia Village, and they want to follow me to City A to find a job." Sheng Fenghua explained briefly, and then said to Dabao and the others: "Find a place by yourself and wait for me."

Several people agreed, and Sheng Fenghua followed Dean Liu into the hospital.

They went directly to the ward and went to see the patient.

It was a middle-aged man, but his eyes were deeply sunken, which made him look a bit piercing.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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