ace warm marriage

Chapter 902 Strange Patient

Chapter 902 Strange Patient ([-])
"Then there is Dr. Lawson."

"You are welcome, Mr. Ye."

After Sheng Fenghua finished speaking, he took out the detoxification medicine from the medicine box he carried with him, handed it to Mr. Ye and said, "Mr. Ye, this is the detoxification medicine. You can take this medicine in a while, and after taking this medicine Afterwards, you will feel a little uncomfortable, especially in your stomach. You don’t need to panic. It’s a normal reaction, and you will want to go to the bathroom.”

"And I just want to excrete through you to expel the poison from your body."

Sheng Fenghua told Mr. Ye all his reactions after taking the medicine for a while, and then handed over the medicine to the other party's subordinates.

Mr. Ye didn't doubt it, took the medicine directly, poured a glass of boiled water and drank it.

After taking the medicine, Mr. Ye talked to Sheng Fenghua for a while, and then he felt his stomach began to feel uncomfortable. After saying sorry to Sheng Fenghua, he went directly to the latrine.

Sheng Fenghua sat alone in the living room, looking at the room again.There are not many furnishings in the room, and there is nothing to see.So, she quickly withdrew her gaze, closed her eyes and meditated.

If it wasn't for the tight schedule and the detoxification of Mr. Ye, she would really like to go around.In any case, this place is also where her parents lived.

Mr. Ye didn't come back until half an hour after he left.Seeing him leaning on the wall to enter the door with his legs floating, Sheng Fenghua immediately went up to meet him and said, "Mr. Ye, how are you feeling?"

"Thank you, Dr. Sheng. Although I don't have much strength now, I feel much more relaxed." Mr. Ye replied with a smile.Thinking of the stench he smelt when he was in the latrine just now, Mr. Ye felt a little uncomfortable.

"That's good!" Sheng Fenghua laughed, then handed the other party a pill, and said: "Take this pill, and your physical strength will recover."

"Thank you!" Mr. Ye thanked again, and then swallowed the pill given by Sheng Fenghua.Not to mention, shortly after taking the pill, his whole body suddenly gained strength.

Mr. Ye didn't expect Sheng Fenghua's medicine to have such an effect, and he said a little excitedly: "Doctor Sheng, your medicine is really miraculous."

"Mr. Ye praised it absurdly. This is just an ordinary medicine."

With strength, Mr. Ye didn't stay in the living room too much, he told Sheng Fenghua that he was going to change clothes, and then left.

Sheng Fenghua thought that Mr. Ye would take a long time to take a bath, so he told him to go for a walk outside, and then went out.

After leaving the house where Mr. Ye lived, Sheng Fenghua started walking around the village.Although she didn't know where her parents lived before, she couldn't help but feel a sense of intimacy when she thought of them living here.

When the people in the village saw Sheng Fenghua, they were a little curious.After all, she was not from here at first sight, and she was dressed so well, many people thought that she was probably looking for Mr. Ye, so someone asked, "Girl, are you Mr. Ye's daughter?"

Sheng Fenghua was taken aback by these words, then he laughed and asked, "Ma'am, why do you ask such a question?"

"Isn't it simple? The girl looks so good-looking, and she looks like a city person. And Mr. Ye is also from the city, so I will make a bold guess, ma'am."

Sheng Fenghua couldn't laugh or cry after hearing the aunt's explanation, and said, "Auntie, you are mistaken, I am not Mr. Ye's daughter, I am his doctor."

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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