ace warm marriage

Chapter 913 Clues in the letter

Chapter 913 Clues in the Letter ([-])

After listening to Si Zhanbei's words, Sheng Fenghua calmed down slowly, and then began to think.

After thinking for a while, Sheng Fenghua felt that the most likely place for the other party to put the evidence was Gujia Village.Because, at that time, my parents lived there.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help feeling a little regretful, she should have opened the envelope earlier.

"Okay, daughter-in-law, don't think about it." Seeing Sheng Fenghua's irritable expression, Si Zhanbei gently pinched her nose and said, "Go to sleep!"

Sheng Fenghua also knew that it was useless to think about it now, so he obediently closed his eyes and went to rest.

The next day, Si Zhanbei went to school.Sheng Fenghua went to Si's house, had lunch with Mr. Si, and played chess with him for a while.

While playing chess, she asked Mr. Si about the destruction of the Ye family more than 20 years ago.I want to see if he knows something inside.

However, the result made Sheng Fenghua a little disappointed. It's been so long, and Si Lao can't remember that such a thing happened.

But after thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua was also relieved.She knew that city S was far away from city B, so it was normal for Si Lao not to know.

Si Lao was tired from playing chess and was going to take a lunch break, Sheng Fenghua took the opportunity to leave.

After leaving the Si family, Sheng Fenghua originally planned to go home.But on the way, she decided to go to Ning's house. She wanted to ask Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning if they still had a child.

When they arrived at Ning's house, Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning had just taken their lunch break and were taking a walk in the corridor.

When they heard that Sheng Fenghua was here, they were very happy.

"Grandpa, grandma!" Seeing the second elder, Sheng Fenghua greeted with a smile, and then carried the fruit bought on the way into the living room.

"Fenghua, didn't I hear that you sent your parents back to your hometown? When did you come back?" Grandma Ning asked Sheng Fenghua after she sat down on the sofa.

"Grandma, I came back last night."

"How is it? How are you at home? Your parents didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

"The family is fine, my parents didn't make things difficult for me, grandma don't worry."

"That's good!" Grandma Ning felt relieved when she heard what Sheng Fenghua said, and then asked some things about her hometown, and Sheng Fenghua answered them all.

Grandpa Ning looked at Grandma Ning who kept asking this and that, and couldn't help but glance at her, and said: "My wife, you've been asking this for a long time, let Fenghua drink his saliva, take a break and ask again."

"You old man!" Grandma Ning glared at Mr. Ning, a little displeased that her wife interrupted her chat with Sheng Fenghua.However, he asked if he was obedient.Instead, he poured a cup of her own scented tea and handed it to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua took a sip of tea, then looked up at the two old people, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Grandpa, grandma, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter, tell me!" Grandpa Ning looked at Sheng Fenghua and nodded.

"Grandpa, grandma, besides uncle and uncle, do you have other children?"

As soon as Sheng Fenghua's words fell, Grandma Ning's eyes filled with mist, then turned her head away, and wiped it lightly.

And Grandpa Ning also became silent, and didn't speak for a while.

"Grandpa, grandma, what's the matter with you?" Sheng Fenghua was startled when he saw the abnormal reaction of the two of them, and said inwardly, "Isn't it possible that you mentioned the sadness of the elder?"

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help regretting, and said: "Grandpa, Grandma, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked such a question, don't be sad."

(End of this chapter)

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