ace warm marriage

Chapter 916 Her surname should be Ning

Chapter 916 Her Surname Should Be Ning ([-])

Ning Mingkai is not stupid either, the reason why he didn't understand it before is because he didn't think about it.As soon as the elder brother Ning Mingjie reminded him, he immediately understood, and said, "What the elder brother means is..."

"That's why Dad and Mom asked us to come back, right?" Ning Mingjie looked at his parents with clarity in his eyes.

"Dad, Mom?" Ning Mingkai also turned his attention to the second elder.

"Your elder brother is right. When we came back with you, we not only learned about the third child, but also found out that the third child left behind a bloodline, which is Fenghua. She is the real Ning family, not some dry relative."

After hearing Mrs. Ning's words, the Ning brothers set their eyes on Sheng Fenghua, and Ning Mingjie asked, "Fenghua, did you bring this photo?"

"Yes, uncle!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, she knew that the two brothers of the Ning family did not fully believe her words just based on the photos.It is even possible to think that she has ulterior motives and wants the property of the Ning family.

However, fortunately, she was open-minded, and never thought about the Ning family's property.

"Why do you have this photo?" Ning Mingjie asked again.For Sheng Fenghua, their family has a very good impression, otherwise they wouldn't recognize her as a godmother.

But the arrival of Sheng Fenghua's parents last time made them have some opinions on Sheng Fenghua.It is said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Sheng Fenghua's parents are like that, how can Sheng Fenghua be good?
They were even wondering if Sheng Fenghua had been pretending, whether all she had shown was just pretending.

In addition, they saw that their parents transferred all the company's shares to Sheng Fenghua. Although she didn't take it in the end, they were wondering if Sheng Fenghua wanted to get more, so they didn't take it on purpose. those shares.

If Sheng Fenghua knew that the two of them thought so, he would definitely say that they were thinking too much.

"It was found among my mother's belongings." Sheng Fenghua replied indifferently, she understood the Ning family brothers' defense against her, so she was not angry.

Moreover, if this kind of thing is replaced by her, it will be the same as the other party.After all, she can be regarded as a person who came out of nowhere. First, she became the god-daughter of the Ning family, and now she will become the real blood of the Ning family. She will somewhat resist in her heart.

"Your mother's relic?"

"Yes, uncle probably doesn't know. I went back to the countryside this time. Besides sending my adoptive father and mother back, the most important thing is to check my life experience."

"How do you know that there is something wrong with your background?" Ning Mingjie dropped the question again.It has been more than 20 years, and it is too coincidental that I only doubt my life experience now.

Speaking of this, Sheng Fenghua smiled wryly, and then said: "Uncle may not know that there are three children in the Sheng family. I am the second child. There is an older sister on the top and a younger brother on the bottom. I am in the Sheng family, and that is my father." It doesn't hurt, my mother doesn't love me, I was the one who was bullied since I was a child. What I eat is what my sister and younger brother eat, and what I wear is what they wear and don't wear."

"Not only that, but my adoptive parents beat and scolded me. Even though I am their child, my treatment is very different."

"When I was young, I often thought, why did they treat me like that? It's just that I was too young and I couldn't figure it out. I could only win their favor by doing more housework and work."

"But I found out later that even so, they still don't like me. From then on, I began to doubt whether I was their own."

(End of this chapter)

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