Chapter 926
"How dare you!" Wen Jianing shouted again.But Sheng Fenghua didn't pay attention to it at all, but slowly squatted down beside Wen Jianing, and stretched his hand towards her leg.

"No, don't!" Wen Jianing was scared, and stepped back while shouting.

It's just that Sheng Fenghua didn't give her a chance. He stretched out his hand and quickly grabbed her ankle.

"Sheng Fenghua, I was wrong. I don't dare anymore, I beg you, please let me go." Wen Jianing was restrained by his feet, unable to move, and begged uncontrollably.

"I let you go, will you let me go?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Wen Jianing coldly, if it wasn't for the fact that the other party provoked her again and again, made trouble for her, and wanted to kill her, She would not treat Wen Jianing like this.

It's a pity that Wen Jianing committed suicide by himself, constantly displaying his presence in front of her, and almost killed Si Zhanbei.

In this way, if she can bear it, then she is not Sheng Fenghua, but the Virgin.

"So, Wen Jianing, if you want to blame it, blame yourself!"

As soon as the sound fell, Sheng Fenghua pinched Wen Jianing's feet directly, ready to cripple Wen Jianing's ankle.

At this time, a big man spoke up and said, "Girl, wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?" Sheng Fenghua stopped, looked up at the man who spoke, and asked, "Do you want to intercede for her?"

"Girl, she belongs to us. We can do it ourselves, so we don't need to bother you."

"You think I'm too busy?" Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, looking at several men.

"The girl misunderstood, but if she loses one of her legs, she won't be able to sell for a good price. Therefore, I ask the girl to hold her hands high and let her go." The big man explained.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the other party, then at Wen Jianing, and then took his hand back.

Wen Jianing breathed a sigh of relief, then lowered his head to hide the hatred in his eyes.

Although Sheng Fenghua didn't look at Wen Jianing, he somehow knew what was going on in her heart.So, she curled her lips together, put on a sneer, and said, "It's okay to leave her feet alone, but she offended me just now, so I have to teach her a lesson."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua shot again, then pinched Sheng Fenghua's chin, and stuffed something into her mouth.

Speaking of which, it was also a coincidence.When she was packing the medicine box yesterday, she found that a medicine she prescribed hadn't worked, and she was thinking of finding someone to try the effect.I don't want to, Wen Jianing is delivered to my door today.

"What did you eat for me?" Wen Jianing coughed uncontrollably after swallowing the food.She wanted to cough up the thing she had just swallowed, but it was already in her stomach, so it was not so easy to cough it out.

"Good stuff!" Sheng Fenghua spit out three words lightly, then turned and left without looking at Wen Jianing.

She is very clear about the effect of the things she mixes.Therefore, the days ahead for Wen Jianing will be difficult.

However, there is no one to blame for this, Wen Jianing herself is the one to blame.

"Sheng Fenghua, come back to me!" Wen Jianing watched Sheng Fenghua leave, and shouted loudly, wanting her to stop, and wanting her to get out the food that was just fed to her.

However, how could Sheng Fenghua listen to Wen Jianing and go shopping directly.

Those big men watched Sheng Fenghua leave just like that, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

They took a quiet look at Wen Jianing, seeing that she didn't seem to be in trouble, and then they were slightly relieved, stepped forward and pulled her back, and brought her back.

(End of this chapter)

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