Chapter 928
Speaking of which, neither of them had ever been to the movies.

"Sure!" Si Zhanbei nodded, and then asked, "What would my daughter-in-law want to eat?"

"Hot pot, the spicy kind."

"Okay, let's go eat hot pot tonight."

While talking, Si Zhanbei turned a corner at the intersection and headed for the most famous hot pot restaurant in the city.

When we got there, the parking space was full of cars.

"There are too many people here, and there is no place to park. Why don't we change places?"

"It's okay, I'll just make a phone call." Si Zhanbei took out his phone and made a call while talking.The call was connected soon, Si Zhanbei said a few words to the other party, and then drove the car in the other direction.

When the car turned a corner, Sheng Fenghua realized that Si Zhanbei had gone around to the back of the restaurant.

There is a large open space behind, only a few cars parked.And at a glance, they are all luxury cars.Si Zhanbei drove the car in, then found a place and stopped.

As soon as the car stopped, a man dressed as a hotel manager came out and said, "Young Master Si, you are really a rare visitor."

"Is there still room?"

"Yes! The boss's exclusive private room. Our boss said that we must treat the young master well today."

"Lead the way!"

"Come with me, both of you." The manager of the hotel led Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua towards the side entrance of the hotel.

Through the side door is the elevator.The three entered the elevator and went straight to the third floor.

There are only three private rooms on the third floor, one is reserved by the owner of the hotel for his own use, and the other two are VIP rooms.Today, however, there are guests in both of those rooms.

The manager directly led the two of them into the private room reserved for him by the boss, where refreshments were already set up.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua entered the private room and sat down.

"Put a copy of the signboard in your store, my wife likes spicy food, remember to put more."

"Master Si, please wait a moment."

The manager of the restaurant left, and after a while, a waiter brought the things.

Sheng Fenghua looked at the bright red soup base with a bright light in his eyes.She hasn't eaten hot pot for a long time, and she can have a good time today.

For a hot pot meal, the two ate for two hours.When the bill came out, it was already eight o'clock.

"Daughter-in-law, should we go home now, or go to the night market?" After leaving the restaurant, Si Zhanbei looked at his little wife and asked.

Both of them ate a lot today, so it was just a matter of time to take a stroll and digest food.

"Let's go to the movies." Sheng Fenghua suggested with a smile.

"Watching a movie?" Si Zhanbei was taken aback, looking at his little wife.

"Why, don't you want to?" Sheng Fenghua asked, feeling a little uncomfortable seeing Si Zhanbei's reaction.

"No!" Si Zhanbei shook his head and said, "I just thought that we never went out to watch movies like other couples."

"You just know!" Sheng Fenghua rolled his eyes, and then led Si Zhanbei to the car.

"Let's go, while it's still early, we can just catch up with the midfield. I heard that there is a good open-air cinema near here, let's go there and watch it."

"Okay!" Si Zhanbei nodded. It's not bad that you can watch outdoor movies directly in the car.

So after the two left the hotel, they went directly to the open-air cinema.

When we got there, there weren't too many people.Si Zhanbei drove the car to a relatively forward position, bought some snacks and water, and then, together with Sheng Fenghua, looked at it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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