Chapter 933
After dinner, Sheng Fenghua helped Sister-in-law Yue clean up, and then sat down to talk to Commissar Yang.

"Fenghua, it's just the right time for you to come back this time." As soon as Sheng Fenghua sat down, Political Commissar Yang spoke.

"Why, there's a mission?" Sheng Fenghua was a little excited. Compared with staying in the army for training every day, she still prefers to go out on missions.

"There was a major earthquake in Province F. Several military regions have already sent people there, and it will be our military region's turn soon."

"I heard that there is the most shortage of doctors there, and your medical skills are so good, this is your chance to show your talents. You must be prepared, our military region may send people there at any time. At that time, I will send you go."

"Yes, political commissar, promise to complete the task."

After leaving Commissar Yang's house, Sheng Fenghua returned to the family building, took a shower, and went directly into the space.

Since she might go to the earthquake zone, she had to be prepared in advance.For some medicines, she had to prepare more, so as not to delay saving lives due to the shortage of medicines.

After working in the space for two hours, Sheng Fenghua was a little tired, so he came out and went to bed.

When I woke up, it was already time for morning exercises.Sheng Fenghua changed his clothes and went to morning exercises.

After exercising, she didn't go back to the subordinate building, but went directly to the cafeteria to have breakfast.After breakfast, I went directly to the team.

The comrades in arms were very happy to see Sheng Fenghua came back, and asked her around for a while, until Qin Feng came, then dispersed, and then the whole team started training.

After months of no training, Sheng Fenghua couldn't keep up at first.After getting used to it slowly, I could keep up with everyone's rhythm.

Sheng Fenghua felt tired after only training for a long time without training for a long time.So, during the noon break, she went directly into the space, took a shower and drank some water from the space, and then she felt better.

On the third day, Sheng Fenghua officially received the order to follow the disaster relief personnel from the military region to Province F.

Before departure, Sheng Fenghua sent a message to Si Zhanbei, telling him that he had gone out to carry out the disaster relief mission.

Si Zhanbei saw the message after class, so he immediately called Sheng Fenghua, but she was already on the plane, and there was no way to answer the phone.

Si Zhanbei was very worried when he couldn't get through to Sheng Fenghua's phone call.It's just that there is no other way, so I can only call after class.

Besides, Sheng Fenghua, in a helicopter from the military region, soon arrived in province F.After getting off the plane, she followed other medical staff to the place of treatment.

The temporary treatment site is full of injured people.

Originally, she was supposed to report to the person in charge, but when she saw the people groaning in pain and seeing that the doctors were too busy to get treatment, she couldn't care less and put her luggage in the On one side, the treatment began.

There are really too many injured people, too many.When Sheng Fenghua got so busy, he forgot the time.But the phone she put in her bag rang over and over again, and she didn't even know it.

Si Zhanbei made dozens of phone calls, but no one answered, and he became more and more worried.

But he was far away, and there was nothing to worry about.After returning to the dormitory, Si Zhanbei began to collect news about the earthquake. He even applied to the instructor, planning to go to the earthquake area in person.

However, the trainer returned his application on the grounds that it was not approved by the above, which made him a little crazy.

Sheng Fenghua was so busy that he even forgot to eat lunch. He didn't stop until he was very hungry at night, then went to get a bucket of instant noodles, soaked them in boiling water and ate them.

(End of this chapter)

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