Chapter 935
Sheng Fenghua didn't say much, saving people is the most important thing now.She stepped forward to check the other party's injury, and it was really serious as the chief said.If he is not dealt with in time and on the spot, he may not be able to survive the hospital.

"How is it?" Dean Yang saw that Sheng Fenghua had finished the inspection, and immediately asked.

"It's not good, he needs to be operated on immediately. One of his ribs has been broken, and it's inserted into the heart. And his legs are also seriously damaged and have to be amputated."

"The conditions here are not good, are you sure?" Dean Yang asked worriedly.Although a lot of them came, they couldn't bring the equipment.

Therefore, they are not sure about this kind of major surgery.

"Give it a try." Sheng Fenghua didn't talk too much, she didn't want to give people the impression of conceit.

"That's fine, I'll be your assistant." Dean Yang also knows Sheng Fenghua's ability, so he still has confidence in her.

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua did not refuse. He glanced at the things Dean Yang and the others had brought, and then ordered to the doctor beside him, "Please go to the temporary treatment center and get my medicine box."

The man left the room, asked someone where Sheng Fenghua lived, and then ran to get the things she needed.

The doctor was sweating all over, took the things over, and stood aside, intending to observe.

Sheng Fenghua took his luggage, took out the silver needles inside, and began to needle the wounded.After getting the needle, Sheng Fenghua saw that the wounded man's condition had stabilized, and then he ordered, "Anesthetic!"

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's order, the doctor in charge of anesthesia quickly stepped forward and administered anesthesia to the wounded.

After one injection, the patient is quickly anesthetized.Sheng Fenghua said to Dean Yang: "Dean Yang, we are about to start!"

"it is good!"

Dean Yang nodded, then stood aside, acting as Sheng Fenghua's assistant.

Every time Sheng Fenghua said a word, Dean Yang helped her get what she needed, and helped her deal with some minor problems.

Because the rib was pierced a little deep, the patient's death would be caused if he was not careful, so Sheng Fenghua performed the operation very carefully.

The doctors watching from the sidelines were a little startled.I was afraid that Sheng Fenghua's carelessness would cause the patient to suffer from massive bleeding and even heart failure.

Fortunately, there was no danger during the operation. Sheng Fenghua used his superb medical skills to perfectly complete this simple operation.

By the time she finished the operation, five hours had passed.

After the operation, all indicators of the man were normal.Sheng Fenghua and Dean Yang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When the chief got the news, he looked at Si Mufeng and said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead!"

She is so young, but her medical skills are so good. She succeeded in a surgery that even Dean Yang was not sure about. It's really amazing.

"Come on, let's go take a look!" After the chief finished speaking, he stood up and went to the next room.

The operation has been completed, and Sheng Fenghua and Dean Yang are sitting in chairs to rest.After such a long operation, both of them were a little tired.

Sheng Fenghua is okay, young and able to hold on.But Dean Yang couldn't stand it.Fortunately, this operation was not performed by him, otherwise I don't know if it can be completed.

Seeing the chief and Si Mufeng coming in, the two stood up and shouted: "Chief, Chief of Staff!"

"Thank you for your hard work!" The chief said after glancing at the two of them.

"The chief is serious, this is our duty!" Dean Yang smiled and replied.They are doctors, and it is their bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded.

(End of this chapter)

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