Chapter 941
"Son, my surname is Lin, and I am your aunt. My sister, your grandmother, suffered a catastrophe more than 20 years ago. Before she died, she gave me something and asked me to give it to your mother."

"But at that time, I was afraid of being implicated, so I took the money my sister gave me and the things and left City H overnight. Later, when I heard that my sister's house was closed, I didn't dare to go back. For this reason, I didn't look for it. Instead, your mother used the money my sister gave me to find a man to live."

"I don't know if it's because I promised my sister at the beginning but failed to do it. A few years later, my man died and my child was gone. Later, my money was also cheated by others. In the end, I became a The poor old woman makes a living by picking up rubbish every day."

"Later, when I was picking up trash, I picked up a child, Xiaoyu. Originally, I wanted to save some money, and then go to your mother and give the things to her. But who knows, my body is not up to date, and I am sick. After a game, all the money I saved was spent.”

"Later, I had no choice but to put aside the matter of finding your mother, and wait until the day I saved enough money. Who knows, there will be an earthquake again, let alone searching for people, even that thing is lost .”

"The reason why I went back before was to find that thing. It's a pity that the thing was buried in the soil, and I couldn't get it out at all."

"If I had known that I would meet you here, I would have brought my things with me during the earthquake."

"It's all right now, I'm going to break my promise to my sister forever."

"I really regret it. If I hadn't been greedy back then, maybe I wouldn't have lived such a miserable life in my life."

"So, this person can't do anything wrong. God is watching."

After finishing speaking, the old man looked at Sheng Fenghua again, grabbed her hand and said, "Son, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

After hearing what the old man said, Sheng Fenghua was silent for a while, and asked, "Auntie, what did my grandmother give you, have you seen it?"

Sheng Fenghua was wondering if the destruction of the Ye family might have something to do with what the old man said.

Remember, in my mother's diary, those people didn't kill for money.And it doesn't look like a vendetta, because whether it is the ancestors of the Ye family or Grandpa Sheng Fenghua's generation, the Ye family has a good reputation in the local area, is kind to others, and has no enemies at all.

Therefore, Sheng Fenghua felt that the possibility of the Ye family being killed by vendetta would be very small.Since it wasn't for vendetta or money, Sheng Fenghua thought it could only be for treasures.

She guessed that there might be some kind of treasure in the Ye family, which aroused the desire to covet it, thus destroying the whole family of the Ye family.

However, after they silenced the Ye family, they still couldn't find the thing, so they set the Ye family on fire in a fit of anger.

Later, Ning Minglie went to report the case and let them know that the Ye family was still alive, so they suspected that something was on the person who reported the case, so they kept chasing Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge.

"I don't know. What your grandmother gave me was a small box, and I couldn't open it at all. At that time, your grandmother told me that only the blood of the Ye family can open the box. So, she asked me to send the things to To your mother's school. Unfortunately, I didn't believe it, and didn't do what she said, but left with my things and money."

Sheng Fenghua was silent, guessing what it could be, why did it need the blood of the Ye family to open it?

(End of this chapter)

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