Chapter 943
"It's not like me, I have an old bone, and I can't stand it when I'm a little tired."

"Dean Yang, why are you old, you are still young now."

"I'm old, I can't compare with you young people."

The two chatted and laughed for a while, and then Dean Yang returned to the subject, and said to Sheng Fenghua: "Fenghua, come to my side tomorrow. There are more seriously injured patients on my side, and there is a shortage of manpower."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, as long as there are patients, it doesn't matter where she is.

"Then it's settled. You'll move here tonight, and I'll ask someone to arrange a place for you." Dean Yang immediately arranged for Sheng Fenghua when he heard Sheng Fenghua's agreement.

"Okay, I'll go talk to our leader and bring the things over."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Dean Yang asked with a smile.

"Dean Yang, are you joking? You are an elder, how can I let you accompany me. Besides, you have been busy all day, so go to rest early. You will be busy tomorrow."

"Okay, since you don't want me to accompany you, then I won't accompany you. Go and come back soon, come here earlier."

"Okay!" Sheng Fenghua responded with a smile, and went out of the tent to find his leader.

Sheng Fenghua found the leader and told him about the situation.The leader did not make things difficult for Sheng Fenghua, and nodded in agreement.

The leader agreed, Sheng Fenghua no longer had any worries, and went back to his place to get his things.

Taking my own things, when I returned to Dean Yang's side again, the place to live had already been arranged.However, she didn't rest right away. After putting down her things, she went out again.

Taking advantage of the time in the evening, she had to confirm whether that thing had some kind of connection with her own space.

Because, since she discovered the space, it was the first time that she had chest fever.

The night was a bit dark, Sheng Fenghua took a flashlight deliberately, and headed towards the place where the old man was rescued.Fortunately, Sheng Fenghua had a good memory and found the ruins quickly.

Relying on his memory, Sheng Fenghua headed towards the middle of the ruins.

Getting closer and closer to the place where the old man was saved, Sheng Fenghua felt a little uneasy, a little excited, wondering if his chest would still be hot?

Seeing that he was about to reach that place, a voice came into Sheng Fenghua's ears: "Who is it, it's so late, what are you doing there?"

With the sound of drinking, Sheng Fenghua saw several PLA soldiers walking towards her.

Sheng Fenghua stood where he was, without moving.When those people approached, he said: "I dropped something here, come and look for it."

"Which department are you from?" A PLA soldier shone a flashlight on Sheng Fenghua's face and asked.Because Sheng Fenghua was wearing a military uniform, the other party only asked some questions.

"A city's field troops." Sheng Fenghua replied, and then asked: "Which army are you from?"

"From the Southeast Military Region."

"what are you doing here?"

"Looking for something!"

"Looking for something so late?"

"Come on, I don't have time to save people during the day. No, come out and look for it at night."

"Comrade, I advise you not to look for it. It's so dark, even if your things are really left here, you may not be able to find them."

"That's right, comrade, this is a dangerous area. It's even more dangerous at night, so you'd better find a time to come back during the day."

As soon as these people appeared, Sheng Fenghua knew that his plan was going to fail.Therefore, after listening to the words of persuasion from a few people, they directly descended from the ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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