Chapter 948
After Wang Xiaohua finished speaking, seeing Mr. Ye still not moving his chopsticks, she immediately stood up and said, "Oh, look at me, this will delay Mr. Ye's meal."

"It's okay!" Mr. Ye smiled and shook his head, telling Wang Xiaohua not to worry.

Wang Xiaohua is a real person, even though Mr. Ye said it was fine.She still felt that she had talked too much just now and delayed Mr. Ye's meal.

So, she stood up and said, "Mr. Ye, eat quickly, it's getting cold. I'll go to the kitchen to clean up. Call me after you finish eating."

After finishing speaking, Wang Xiaohua said that she flew out of the living room and went to the kitchen.

After Wang Xiaohua left, Mr. Ye started to eat.While eating, he was thinking about the things Wang Xiaohua mentioned.

Shengjia Village?
It seemed that when he got better, he had to go to Shengjia Village.

After thinking about it, Mr. Ye thought of Sheng Fenghua again.Just now Wang Xiaohua said that Sheng Fenghua and Xiaoye look very similar, combined with the face he saw in his dream, Mr. Ye was a little suspicious, would this Sheng Fenghua have anything to do with him?
Mr. Ye was full of thoughts. After breakfast, he went back to his room.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to talk to Sheng Fenghua.So, he entered the room, took out his phone, and dialed Sheng Fenghua's number.

The phone rang, but no one answered.Unwilling to give up, Mr. Ye called again, but still no one answered.

After calling three times in a row, but no one answered the phone, Mr. Ye put down the phone in disappointment, and then sat on the chair in a daze.

He was thinking, early in the morning, what was Sheng Fenghua busy with, why didn't he answer the phone?

At this time, in the disaster area, Sheng Fenghua was feeling the pulse of the patient who had surgery yesterday.The other party had already woken up, and after knowing that Sheng Fenghua saved him, he was very grateful.

Although one of his legs was crippled, compared to those buried by the earthquake, at least he was still alive.As long as there is life there is hope.

After taking the pulse, Sheng Fenghua checked the wound again, and then he was relieved, and said to the patient: "At present, your condition is very stable, follow the doctor's advice, take medicine on time, and have a good rest."

After finishing speaking, Sheng Fenghua didn't stay too long, and was busy going to the place of treatment.

Sure enough, as Dean Yang said, the patients on his side were all seriously injured.Moreover, most of them require surgery.As a result, Sheng Fenghua became even busier.

She was so busy that she just forgot about going to the ruins all day long.It wasn't until she was resting at night that she remembered this matter again.

Ready to go out, but worried about encountering patrolling people again.After thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua decided to forget it and not go.

However, she didn't see Xiaoyu and her aunt all day, so she decided to visit them.

So, she got out of the tent and went to the previous treatment point.

When they got there, Xiaoyu and the others hadn't slept yet.Seeing Sheng Fenghua, Xiaoyu was very happy, ran up to her, hugged her legs, and said, "Auntie, you are here."

"What, did Xiaoyu miss me?"

"I think so, but I think about it. Xiaoyu went to look for her aunt during the day, but she couldn't find it. I asked other doctors, but they didn't know where my aunt went. Xiaoyu thought that my aunt didn't care about us?"

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyu, Auntie is busy, so I don't have time to visit you during the day. How is grandma today?" Sheng Fenghua patted Xiaoyu's head, feeling a little guilty.

When she left yesterday, she forgot to tell Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu must be disappointed that she couldn't find her.

(End of this chapter)

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