Chapter 950
Looking at the sore fingers, and at the mound of dirt that hardly changed, Sheng Fenghua was a little frustrated.

It seems that she still has no way to find that thing tonight.

However, it can be regarded as some gains.At least let her confirm that that thing does have some kind of connection with her own space.

Patting the soil on his hands, Sheng Fenghua made a mark on the mound, thinking that he would come back tomorrow night with tools.

Standing up, Sheng Fenghua left the ruins and went back to his place of residence.

Back at the place, she fetched a basin of water and washed her hands.After scraping the soil for a while, her fingers were worn out.Fortunately, she has her own ointment, otherwise, if someone sees that her finger is injured tomorrow, she will definitely ask.

After washing and applying ointment, Sheng Fenghua lay down on the bed to rest.

The next day, things weren't too much.So Sheng Fenghua took the time to find a shovel and took it back to his place of residence.

At night, she put the shovel into the space, and then, like the day before, went to see Xiaoyu and the others first, and then went to the ruins when she left.

Fortunately, no one came to the ruins, so the mark Sheng Fenghua made the day before is still there.She took out the tools from the space and dug towards the mark made yesterday.

Things were buried a little deep, and there was a lot of waste soil.Sheng Fenghua dug like this for an hour, but he still didn't see anything.

This made her very discouraged, threw the shovel away, and sat down on the ground to rest.

After resting for about 10 minutes, Sheng Fenghua started to move again.As more and more soil was excavated, Sheng Fenghua felt that the frequency of his chest fever became shorter and shorter.

Until she removed the last big brick, the temperature in her chest became higher and higher, and soon swept her whole body.

If someone was by Sheng Fenghua's side, they would find that her face was already flushed with heat, as if she was about to bleed.

Sheng Fenghua felt that he was going crazy, and urgently needed to find a place to calm down.

It's just that the thing hasn't been dug out yet, and she still doesn't want to give up just like that.So, she bit the tip of her tongue tightly again, and looked towards the place where the brick was just moved away.

After looking at it, I couldn't help but smile on my face.I saw a quaint little box lying quietly in the soil.

Sheng Fenghua reached out to pick up the box, and after making sure there was nothing else, he stepped into the space.After getting the things, she couldn't bear the heat all over her body anymore, and she especially needed some cold water to help cool down.

After entering the space, Sheng Fenghua went straight to the pool.Even the man and the box went directly into the pool.

When the heat and cold collided, Sheng Fenghua fainted directly.Just when she fainted, the box in her hand suddenly emitted a bright light, surrounding her whole body.

Time passed little by little, and Sheng Fenghua slowly opened his eyes after soaking in the water for an hour.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Sheng Fenghua felt that his body seemed much lighter.

Thinking of what happened to him before, Sheng Fenghua looked at his hand.But he found that the box he was holding in his hand was gone.

She knew the box must have fallen into the water when she passed out.So she looked down into the water.

After seeing it, Sheng Fenghua was stunned.She actually saw a light blue air current in the water.

What is this?
Sheng Fenghua was puzzled.

This space has been with her for more than a year, but she has never noticed any difference in the water.I just know that this water is good for the body.

(End of this chapter)

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